Saturday, December 07, 2013

Comment on Yahoo

Teens Arrested for Letting Friend Drive Drunk in Fatal Crash

Comment on Yahoo
The way this actually works is all have made such mistakes and to brand them with such shame is to perpetuate it further. Take the cop that wants to place the blame in order to teach young people something, he also is hiding something that is related to such an event that he felt shame about in order to be involved in this way this has to be in their reality. The right people are just dim witted and remember Your mistakes while covering theirs with other's shame. Shame and blame are the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and perpetuate the experience. To be jolted into joy and forgiveness through knowing SPIRIT is how to start new and not perpetuate pain and blame into Your own future. Attention to it keeps it in Your pie. Let go of the veil of interpretation given You by those that never knew me is what the SPIRIT says concerning reality.

We all need the humility that comes from knowing the SPIRIT and how close each of us are to death and shame and a broken heart.

Three russian synchs


Savannah (2013)


The poetry in Savannah 2013 requires me to watch this movie a few times.
“If we succeed in remaking wildness into mildness, then we will begin to diminish.”


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