Thursday, April 10, 2014

They demanded a law, because of the hardness of their hearts

GOD speaks through his SPIRIT, humans demand a book and it has to say what they want which is a king and a law. That book always turns into confusion and fighting.

Over and over, I have written before that there is no way for a story to reach humans that is not flattering to those that would manipulate and control you. That is why what we get from SPIRIT is so much different than the image offered by interpretation. It had to be "seeing they can't see and hearing they can't here, otherwise they would destroy the message. That is why we get the words the way we do which mean one thing to those that would otherwise destroy the message. And another thing to those that allow the SPIRIT to reach them.

The humiliation was to speak what the SPIRIT says and then they destroy the message and the messenger. That is why it is said "Go to the SPIRIT for your truth" yet still he spoke many words, it is in these words that they are all caught in a net that would interpret without SPIRIT.

They believe they can change appearances and then when they really just humiliate themselves they want to destroy and cover the shame. This has happened over and over in these years since 2001. You cannot speak the truth from SPIRIT that is why we got the words we got. The SPIRIT reaches You and You settle into seeing things from a very wonderful perspective, but to speak that brings out those that would hate the SPIRIT, those that play like they love SPIRIT but really are boiling with hatred for both SPIRIT and men who do not follow their interpretation. If you were to get a message to humans in a book,,, like the bible. You would have to make it so that "seeing they do not see, hearing they do not hear,,,,,,otherwise they would destroy the message and the messenger."

I often wondered why speaking this message that everyone thought was so perfect would get you persecuted so, but it is not what it appears. It is speaking what the SPIRIT says to you that will get you killed. Not quoting the words that were intended to entice those that if they knew what the SPIRIT was really saying would hate the message. But it was designed so that he who would draw near to SPIRIT would be led by SPIRIT to see what those that love interpretation cannot see in the words. Now here is why so many forums have been destroyed and so many people were fed to lions because the words on the page cannot reveal what is the SPIRIT's alone to reveal!

The whole world has followed after the strong deluding influence of interpretation which as written would even take those that the SPIRIT reveals himself to if it were possible.



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