Monday, July 30, 2018

Bannon, get with the program

The fact that Bannon told the Koch brothers "We are winning, get with the program" is saying that they have the power to win because of how they are using the office of the president in a manner it was not intended. Manipulation and sidestepping the law. The christian right thinks they are winning but only gets their feed from their channels (Not from SPIRIT) so it looks to them like "the whole world is following after" the "president" and that they cannot loose but if you were to see what the synchs since 1993 have been saying they are actually following a lie and the end of them is desolation. Orange is coming, leaders lead astray. It is not a coincidence that all who worked for Trump turned out to be "use the law in a manner it was not intended" and yet so many think he is not like them and their eyes are blinded on purpose so they cannot see they followed a lie.

The last forum closed but the synchs from that sight will be loaded on stephentree.com/prophociesonline1 (soon)

The "right people" love their interpretation more than they love each other and they are scheduled for desolation. This was the intention given to the SPIRIT to which YOU told me "it is already done". Because I could not reach You. Like those that were given the synchs for years and each time they rejected this message from SPIRIT and found they were wrong yet still believe they are right so it is with most everyone because they interpret and do not go to the source which is SPIRIT. That is the smallest of points overlooked by all who interpret as that is what the pharisees also did and were condemned. They will not believe it until it is too late and like Noah the doors will be shut when it starts to rain.

Dream, Cops parking scam
Dreamed I drove in a parking garage and the cops came up and checked my liscence and then after we left they moved the car to a place they told us but then it got moved again to a holding place that you had to pay and they acted like it was the public's fault and they used a misunderstanding to purposely make money.  This dream speaks of using the law in a manner it was not intended which is what these liars and manipulators do with the power of the law. Intentional misunderstanding is the power of such as manipulate using fake love like the harlot which is this present day church who worship an interpretation and have not let the SPIRIT lead them into all truth, therefore, they will see what is of SPIRIT as a lie and a lie such as this president as the truth.

Synchs coinciding with today from last year

And this one is coming up


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