Monday, December 09, 2019

The Secret, Those that use Shame cannot enter in

The Secret, Those that use Shame cannot Enter In

Unveiled and Uninhibited SHE and I dreamed 
And it Happened!!!!!!!!!!

Senators, Republicans and Democrats
Like "At Home" with my Bestess that trust
When we Fantasise together upon what we agree on
IT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!

I learned it from YOU/MY LIFE
For when I give my dream without Shame and Believing in YOU
As I have come to know YOU/MY  LIFE
not through interpretation
As we come to agree through synchronicity together
YOU and I

All who use shame, lies and manipulation
Are Caught in a Net and cannot enter in
Because the shame they use against others is their own shame

It has been right here in plain sight forever
But the shameful, could not see it

For I have given it to YOU/MY LIFE
And YOU will make me right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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