
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If the River takes you under, do not struggle, rather allow the River to again raise you back up.

If the River takes you under, do not struggle, rather allow the River to again raise you back up.

The synch having to do with how the Spirit raises you back up after you allow yourself to go with a situation has been the theme of the experiences of late.

Bret called and was all in a panic because He and His LANDLORD were fighting and he was being thrown out because he did not clean up and pay rent the way the landlord wanted him to. He wanted to be resued from the situation. I felt the way my life experience had showed me to handle such a disaster and that was not to react negatively and take action on that fear. I told him "No, it is not going to be that way" and proceeded to tell him that he needs to tell the guy that he would leave after the two weeks and just to leave me alone. I told him to let go of the fear and just see what happens. Well it worked out like I told him. Now rather than reacting and trying to fix situations, if we are very open and waiting for the Spirit and just let it PASS OVER you when such a problem or STORM occurs and see how life will handle it for you. Now each time as you allow the storm to pass over you and just see how life helps you without fear. You will learn from each experience until you never REACT but rather ALLOW life to SAVE you, or whatever you need to happen. Learning from the synchs will take time but you will be amazed at what has been overlooked. It is best to learn this in the simple things that happen everyday with your synchs rather than in that day that Your life must be SAVED. The Government, law, cops, The Medical Priesthood and many other things that are in the modern world are ENEMIES OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST. Because they promise to rescue you from what life has done to reach your heart perfectly.

Pam and I were at the river and had the experience of the fast moving river and how if you get caught in the swells the river may take you under and it is best not to struggle but to wait and the river will again bring you back up to the surface.

The River Walk and the Rumi Poem about You are in deep water now.

Here is the video of the fast moving river

Now consider the Presumption Post on Prophecies how everyone rejected and denied me on all the forums over it and then the synch was that I knew I was going down over this but that the Spirit had a surprise for everyone on the forums in the form of the prediction on May 27th and many other times before it happened about Hurricane Irene. (click for details)This is what I meant about learning from experience with Spirit and how when I was taken down by those that Ummmm Misunderstood and rejected me that it was then that the Spirit raised me back up through the synchs leading to the change in the forums.

This River synch is also related to the prediction of Japan

If You knew what was coming You would let the Spirit break Your heart even to the edge, but the self right people will love their interpretation they did not get from SPIRIT until the day they are swept away.
Luke 17:31-33
On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. (RLW) Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.

A related synch with John the Baptist out in the Wilderness APART FROM SOCIETY saying
"Clean out the way of the Spirit (Lord)" or do not try to fix things but rather allow the Spirit to do what the Spirit does through your intentions and experience/faith.

Just another synch with Ted Danson on HBO last night where he said "hey, I am starting to like these near death experiences,, everything is SO FRESH AND NEW". lol

Even if I am angry with you and it breaks your heart, just wait and allow life to reveal the meaning for You, for nothing is ever as it seems. If you got angry because you misunderstood then do not interpret my anger, but rather learn how NOTHING is ever as it appears.

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