
Monday, August 27, 2012

Mockery of the Right "Laughing Isaac"

Isaac - Laughing - Mockery 

I remember when I was rejected by everyone and the SPIRIT told me to laugh while I was in Death Valley at the lowest point.

I understood the laughing

The name Isaac comes from the word "Yitzhak" (also Yitzchaq) in Hebrew, which means "Laughing One", "laughter" or "to laugh". Isaac has one meaning as given by God to Abraham in Genesis, chapter 17 verse 19. It means ''child of the covenant'' or ''child of the promise''. God cannot give the name of His promised child ''laughter'' because this has spiritual significance. In Hebrew there is to ''laugh with joy'' and also ''laughter which is for mockery''. So to say ''laughter'' alone would be incomplete.

Psalm 2:4 "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision."

Contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
mockery - ridicule - scoff - taunt - gibe - jeer - mock 

This is the SPIRIT I felt before the storm predicted because of the presumption on may 21st

synch with Aug 29th 2007 Check link date javascript:alert(document.lastModified) and all dates related to Aug 26-29th and the original prediction of Irene and now Isaac
The Coming Humiliation of Religion and Leaders who reject SPIRIT

Get Ready for the Wild Ride!!!!

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