
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Surounded by enemies, I am free as a Bird

These are my notes from last night on the table

Don't You wish it could go on forever! This life
Life is wanting me to dream it
Everything is coming up Roses, (My day seemed to flow and work out the answers to business and life that I had sought lately)
Oh, what a beautiful day YOU and I had,, also Pam and I in synch with life.

I walked and met many people as I walked. I also found two things about a mile apart from each other where it seemed that YOU/SPIRIT had given me something. The Medallion was found on the sidewalk and then a mile further I found the black thing that I strung it on. What a cool experience! Perhaps the synch yesterday did help the Pres.

To remember YOU,,,,NEW! In this day is to create it new again.

This is what I needed.

Been meeting the right people just as I met the right SPIRIT each day after seeing what I had drawn in trying to love and reach humans. To meet in the moment and leave the groups or those that love the veil for a life in the moment and helping people and synergising as the SPIRIT had turned water (understanding) to WINE/EXPERIENCE. I found that freedom of speech is not at all true and that there are those planted with intent to lead you down the garden path. Forsake the dance with snakes and live as the SPIRIT intended.

My Burning Heart (Rumi)

My heart is burning with love

All can see this flame
My heart is pulsing with passion
like waves on an ocean
My friends have become strangers
and I’m surrounded by enemies
But I am free as the wind
no longer hurt by those who reproach me
I’m at home wherever I am
And in the room of lovers
I can see with closed eyes
the beauty that dances
Behind the veils
intoxicated with love
I too dance the rhythm
of this moving world
I have lost my senses
in my world of lovers

Other pics of late

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