
Friday, April 18, 2014

So it is that the words also must die in YOU and be born of the SPIRIT.

Yes the message of the SPIRIT to the churches in Corinth.
Like these words GOD created each flower that blooms in it's season but even the flower which GOD creates withers because of death yet there is a seed, but over here, in the morning, in this Springtime are YOU/SPIRIT creating a new flower THROUGH THAT SEED in THIS MOMENT that I am drawn to anew.
It takes the SPIRIT to make things fresh again.

For as the earth had become formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, It took the SPIRIT of GOD hovering over the waters, like the waters of that testament to say LET THERE BE LIGHT. The wisdom of man is interpretation, but the SPIRIT makes the story fresh and new in You! So it is that the words also must die in YOU and be born of the SPIRIT.

As my own experience was rejected over and over by those that wanted the power of interpretation to prevail, yet I saw that they would never bring about by interpretation that which was the SPIRIT's place to do. I wanted the same as those who sought to know the true intentions of those filled with SPIRIT who went before us. But I never saw it completed in anyone other than those in the stories who went before us long ago. Why begin, if what I build will not be good enough, no I saw that I must wait, if it took forever to find YOU SPIRIT. As the experiences with the miraculous kept occurring I found that those interpreting were the most offended by SPIRIT. I found that I could not even remember the wonderful day to day experiences for the noise of self right interpretation that is being blasted on every corner of society. I found that I could not DO IT lest I do the same. Therefore, I had to do as the SPIRIT spoke through Jesus, what none had done yet they say they do. I had to wait, I had to let YOU build the house. It had to be YOU through me living. If the whole world is going another way I knew I had to follow these REAL experiences. But the noise of control around me kept the static in the picture so intense that I needed to go to sanctuary alone but knew to wait until YOU did this through me. KABOOM! So the romance with SPIRIT alone, told the story fresh and new in such a way that I never could have interpreted it. I found out that faith in the word was not the book but what YOU SPEAK IN THIS MOMENT as to why the power of the SPIRIT became manifest. All those interpreting or imitating we see have no power outside their own persuasion. But I wanted it to be YOU/SPIRIT speaking. The JOLT took me to the perspective, from which to build through the synchs.

I know, it is impossible to bridge this chasm to those that are looking through the mind, (they must choose SPIRIT) interpretation is powerless without the SPIRIT. And the power of the devil shall we say, as the whole world has been deluded by interpretation to follow after a lie which to presume without SPIRIT's leading. For this is the growing experience that paints the picture that is the treasure,,, not of man, nor interpretation, but of SPIRIT.

For I was a wretched man as all are, but through the power of the SPIRIT I learned first alone through my wild broken heart to first be mutual with YOU SPIRIT, and then seeing YOU in them I learned to be mutual with those that love me so that our experience became real, fulfilling the intentions of those trying to make men understand what could not be done by the law. How to love another person. For they beat men with the law saying why don't you be what we believe you should be when if they would let him see the true intentions of his heart all would be fulfilled.

For the same that praised him as their husband, and as their king, later mocked him and crucified him not knowing how GOD was fulfilling their law/demands through him. So it is that all who interpet actually crucify him all over again in the least of them. Today is Good Friday by the way.

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