
Saturday, October 04, 2014

American Religion, liars and thieves denying the power of SPIRIT

The most powerful reason for learning from SPIRIT is because of the power of death
To actually ask life to learn from death is what was meant by such things written as
"You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said to them. "Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?"
We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body./quote]

Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed."

Early in my Christian Experience Starting about 1980 I saw that Modern Christianity were kidding themselves about this fact and PLAYING CHRISTIAN BUT DENYING THE POWEROF WHAT REALLY WAS THE EXPERIENCE. In reality you are admonished to have nothing to do with these people. Society learns from interpretation, but those who go on to learn from SPIRIT are the only ones that truly are not kidding themselves. What is written is what was demanded but those seeking truth are told the true worshipers worship in spirit and in truth. For this reason I speak of SPIRIT in the manner that I have experienced it and reject the interpretations that have evolved from man's thinking because it has become plane that the purpose of this was to catch all liars and thieves which hide behind a veil of interpretation.

Asking for a near death experience is what "Drink this Cup" is about

For many years I learned from Synchronicity but it did not take on the power of SPIRIT until I drank from that cup.
I understood that synchs with SPIRIT were the key beyond what I could merely see about life, so I knew it was not presumption to ask SPIRIT and learn the language of SPIRIT so that I could know the ORIGINAL INTENTIONS OF THE HEART.

To be broken yet not crushed, meaning we are able to live after experiencing death. The powers that be have always taught us that we should protect ourselves and loved ones from anything related to death but the SPIRIT points to death as the ultimate teacher of life.

It became as though there was no time left for anything THAT WAS NOT PERFECT!
No more time to presume

In the Autumn
That Evening
Twilight Realm
Shadows speak more clearly
And words spoken by fools and Hojas suddenly are meaningful

Carry this gift in your heart

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