As I walk around with great passion to reach them and the anger I was giving to the SPIRIT and for some reason I said the word "Pinheads" Them Pinheads!! LOL
So the moment was right for watching "South Pacific" with Pam and there were many other synchs but let me start with my Pinhead synch.
So let us look at this another way when we look at Trump, from the perspective of "All have sinned" and that means everyone carries a cross, so that no matter what we do if we have not allowed the SPIRIT to reach us so as to guide us we are destined to fail, and every person that reaches to the SPIRIT must go through this door. So this is why an interpretation is meaningless and it was for this moment that you were caught in a net by Jesus. The object to life is to go through this door for to learn from the SPIRIT or as it was written if you loose your life for the SPIRIT's sake, hopefully before physical death you come to be truly led by SPIRIT and not by the wide path of having the right interpretation so that you can see what they overlooked in that without the SPIRIT who is able to do it, we would invariably not see what was coming ahead. For the thief comes at an hour that we know not. Nevermind the lust for power and money through manipulation and lies. If you won't allow the SPIRIT to reach your heart through finding out that without SPIRIT you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO IT. (Jesus allowed the SPIRIT to do it through him) And if you won't be reached through love and passion then we will transmute that lust to this real blunder of lust the one far more deeply reaching than "just sex" The mistake of trying your hardest and failing anyway. In other words if you try your hardest and fail anyway then it is impossible without being guided through by SPIRIT. And this cannot be done if you have rejected the SPIRIT and chose to stay behind the SAFE veil of the interpretation you worship that excludes the SPIRIT. But you don't accept the SPIRIT by saying save me but rather allowing yourself to believe so that you are guided through that experience that writes on your heart in such as way that mind part of you that does not learn to live by SPIRIT dies that did not have the time to go to the banquet but something else was more important. Smallest of points here is "SEEK FIRST, the kingdom" which is to reach the SPIRIT. The MAGIC of synergy between the two in a relationship is done by the SPIRIT because you cannot see past the veil of their appearance on some level.
Islands at War and South Pacific and Maine in my posts
The problem is They don't trust you Orange, because just like those other countries right now they can see what the Fox's Sheep are not allowed to see because without knowing the SPIRIT you are like a man that presumes a way is right but in the end is desolation. And that is without the SPIRIT you would have to manipulate and lie and use all manner of power and money in order to appear the way you want to appear Only with SPIRIT you could have found the path for being perfect is not as they were CAUGHT to believe, but rather is taught by SPIRIT to allow the SPIRIT to do for you. But instead failure, or so much manipulation and lying for money and power that nobody trusts you. You don't get to get it first but count it gain to loose when operating in your own power. Without knowing through intimate experience with SPIRIT that yes, you have my back. You won't be able to do it, you must go through the cross and die to the minds will and allow the SPIRIT to show you ever increasingly that you must proceed WITH THE SPIRIT.
So the first step for all flesh is to fail and all who believe they are right because of an interpretation will find that they never knew me says the SPIRIT.
So back to the Pinhead synch it is related to the Pinheads on the right that are trying to fool themselves and the world into believing they are right in their interpretation which is meaningless because what SPIRIT is about is revealing the smallest of points interpretation overlooks. It is not about the people, or about the SPIRIT but it is politically , oh and monetarily and power, and other things that have been taught to us. So when you fail and you will without SPIRIT and when you find you are one of those still alive and have more life to live and breath and seek to actually reach the SPIRIT. Everyone fails in their own power and that is how you are reached to he heart as much as you reach to SPIRIT and come to know YOU/SPIRIT. Even when the whole world cannot see the true intent.
Oh by the way, I guess I have already been saying all along that there is a huge trainwrech ahead where YOU and I (SPIRIT/I), dem/repub, man/woman and even wars and rumors of wars etc collide You could not be reached therefore I must break your hearts! (Say's the SPIRIT) That is exactly the intent of the cross and love. The SPIRIT said it is finished and has sat down at the right hand of the father and left the struggle. The original intent through SPIRIT could have been accomplished through the magic of love and relationship and yes sex because with just YOU and I, I can be naked/unveiled as it was in the beginning with JUST YOU/You the two are reached to the heart through love and Passion. The snake and the woman who is the false bride rather uses the lust of money and control and of course they condemn as worse the lust that is closer to love than money. In fact money does not exist in the dna. And therefore when you are reached the SPIRIT does not speak of money but of the form that "YOU come to me in the form of a home, or a lover", yet without the shame of money. No wonder the shameful turn and try to shame what is closer to love than the lust of money. This was the reality of Judas.
You know how holidays can bring up such emotions. The broken heart evokes both crying and laughing. Here is why this is not Antichrist because it has nothing to do with following me, but to go to the SPIRIT BELIEVING with great passion that he would guide you to know the true intentions of the heart.. Forget the fight and let the SPIRIT give you your moments need.
You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear—
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade—
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate—
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
(She laughs bitterly.) What piffle! What a pinhead I was.”
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