
Monday, August 24, 2020

The Reason for the DNATREE predictions and Orange is Coming related to Christianity

I had intended to reveal that both sides are presumption and all have overlooked the smallest of points because humans left the natural process that keeps you inline with nature. The presumption leads to desolation and we are even now at the door that will reveal what has been overlooked.

The poetry of the "SPIRIT through Jesus" was made meaningless by those that interpret (snake, tree) as it was the SPIRIT as through the normal life and pain of survival/cross that was to lead to life but the interpretations which are what humans chose over SPIRIT in order to save their children from pain by learning over SPIRIT has led to overlooking the smallest of points.

Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.

 This picture that Religion misunderstood as the man Jesus speaking when really it was the SPIRIT speaking through Jesus reveals what was overlooked. Always learning but never coming to know the SPIRIT.

The fact that the dnatree precictions revealed is that religion having learned a presumption about this is even more veiled than those outside of religion and this is meant to reveal not to follow a leader.

It was intended that those that did not find the SPIRIT in their lives would follow a lie and believe that following the interpretation about Jesus was the way but it was the SPIRIT as in your dna that was speaking and this is what this moment is about as this dream was inteneded but not as the christians interpret and demand you worship as Trump's followers claim. Those that reached to the SPIRIT understand this, but those hiding behind a veil of interpretation not given by the SPIRIT never actually followed the SPIRIT into all truth but science also overlooks the smallest of points which gives you the RIGHT INFORMATION IN THE RIGHT MOMENT. All others are being led to desolation of heart or body and this was inteneded.

 anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.

"If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains."For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."

It was Jesus's intention that those in religion become blind and those without religion come to see by what happens to the religious that follow a lie such as what is happening with Trump as this was my intention in 1993. And it was my intention that those that follow an interpretation and never did find the SPIRIT follow this lie and experience the humiliation that is necessary to reach to the SPIRIT.

This is why Trump who wants the Christian right to believe he is right was intended to trick them and also not to be able to be overcome  by the left because of his lies and that you find you can only overcome him by the SPIRIT

Links to help you understand

the intended outcome in order to reach you

The latest "All Was Predicted" including Epidemic, Tennessee, Trump, The Orange Event

The original intention of the heart having to do with this moment. The Part of each of "us" that needs to die
Presumption and Americans
Predictions about inside the Whitehouse before they happened and why
The epidemic and Trump lifting himself up as the "Ultimate Authority"
The SPIRIT and the Unexpected

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