Scarlet Brought to her Knees
PAM gave this to me to SHARE
I was forced in a situation that I found NOTHING SAVED me that I had planned or prepared. I thought I WAS GOING TO DIE, I thought that the dropped dead synchs that began to occur with Steve I felt were the result of my fears and were meant for ME. But I was soon to see that like the pets in the healing synch, that SCARLET OUR CAR was taking the hit and I really believe it is doing it "IN MY PLACE."
I was overwhelmed how the SPIRIT provided in such an experience that seemed hopeless, and not only the one need but so many. This was an adventure in life supplying all our needs in a way that could never have been expected.
But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.
I guess the place to start is the drop dead synchs that we had in the very same restraunt as we had them before and as I was talking to a friend "TAB" I noticed the fellow in the background that I had the DROP DEAD synchs about his family member another time I was up in Eureka. I told TAB (the hairy fellow in the foreground of this pic) that the reason the Spirit always starts with the fear is then by trusting it is taken away. So it also is with the storms and the tribulation so to speak. Well on the way to Eureka the alternator in the car began making noise. At 11:30PM the alternator quit and we had to get the rest of the way on the battery and low gas also because I could not stop for gas. We made it just as She was dying into the parking lot of the motel. We slept KNOWING the Spirit would help me to find a way to fix it. After doing our work the next day I went to work on SCARLET. A young girl came up to me and asked me if I had a "CHARGER" for a mobile phone. I asked to see the connector on her phone and she said she had the right usb connector but no way to charge it. I noticed her laptop on the sidewalk next to her boyfriend and said that if she has the connector then that laptop could charge it. She said "OH YES!" I just needed to hear that. I then realised that I too needed an alternative charging system as the night before I had looked up the problem and found that DODGE was holding a gun to folks head for $680 for a new alternator installed. I had bought one recently rebuilt for the old VW for only $30 dollars. Then I found that not only does the battery not charge but the alternator seemed to short intermittantly and further crippled the car. Everyone on the internet indicated that the fix was to pay up to DODGE. Well we did not know we would run into such expense and several things seemed to be failing early on this vehicle. We went over to Arcata to do another job and there was a Harbor tools. I went in and found a "charger" on sale for $35 dollars. The problem was mulitplied by how IMPOSSIBLE it was to get even to the connectors on the alternator let alone remove it.
We found the car was designed to make it impossible to repair in the field even this simple alternator problem, but we had to overcome this. When we got home I was able to research the problem further and found that all I needed to do was to replace the decoupling pulley drastically changing the outcome and expense of this problem.
Pam cried when we finally made it to our exit in Stockton "tears of Joy" as to how we overcame through the synchs that helped us and how the scarey synchs such as Drop Dead were not what she thought and this helped her to see the true benevolent nature of the Spirit that the INTERPRETATIONS misunderstand.
Pam wanted to share her experience in the surrender and respect for the Spirit and our renewed closeness which I is exactly what I asked for relative to Irene and the synchs of late. Well many were reached through the blatant Spiritual communication of Irene and the synchs of late but still misunderstand the benevolence and the intention. We had many other miracles happen to get us home relative to this.
Today I am being spoken to about the synchs with Irene and the premonition of it spoken of in the Mount Whitney post. For there we met Irene Cuffe and spoke of the "thunder and lightning of the Spirit" needed to reach folks. Also note the dates of the Irene synchs last year at mount Whitney. I feel that if we begin to nurture mutual synchs on the forums, like the ones that we have been having and those that were stopped by those running off folks on the other forums. Bear, Owl synchsand the Stoves catching on fire all at the same time, that these were meant to show how we cooperate in the Spirit for mutual understanding and benefit.
Other synchs: Bird loves Gold Rush String Cheese
Another related post to Scarlet being the human body of Spirit
Leaders blinded by money cannot hear that the policies of the past caused this. Even their fixes will be a lie as they will still be looking through the eyes of the interests of money. Buffet and Al Gore seem to be more in line with the true intentions of the heart about money and yet they too have money. (part of misunderstanding about the Spirit and the intentions of the heart) Money and all that we share will amount to nothing without the smallest of points humans overlook known only by the Spirit. The Sputtering economy is related to my Story about Scarlet brought to her knees, and Religion also as the Spirit that speaks says "humans are my body". This is why it was posted on SEPT 25th 2008 Boat Sinking Bailout will not work before it came about. All who follow money's advise are like those that are taken by the sickle and reaped by the intentions of money. Those doing the taking will think themselves smart until they themselves are reaped by the Spirit shortly thereafter.
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