Thicket the Thorns and the Lamb.

Last night I got this about the lamb caught in the Thicket/impassable way. And the great passion to reach humans that without the SPIRIT humans cannot go on much further. This is the Easter Story about the intentions of a young boy that who's life story grew regarding the
Thicket the Thorns and the Lamb.
“Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”
13 Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram[a] caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. 14 So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.”
So it is that there is coming a time when all the wisdom of man will be revealed to have overlooked something and they will be caught in a net/thicket/impassable way and all would have been lost except that we learn from the experience of those who went before us.
As a boy growing up in Nazereth he was often told the most important story about Abraham and his son and how when Abraham believed the SPIRIT and took his only son to kill him as a sacrifice Abraham Knew that the SPIRIT would provide in the moment it was needed. This story probably resonated in the young boys experience and when he came to know the SPIRIT as His FATHER he came to know how the SPIRIT would provide for his countrymen which were the sons of Abraham.
This story meant everything to this boy as he grew in the SPIRIT and came to understand how the SPIRIT provided for him in the moment he needed it. And when he got caught in the thorns himself he probably found that he did not have to die as it appeared but that he would be rescued. He probably went through a near death experience related to this that HE GREW ON through experience with the SPIRIT.
His life experience was to tell the world this one point and not that everything that was recorded was what wanted to be said but it was what was needed to reach the whole world pertaining to this event.
To me this is the true intentions of the heart of Jesus and the Interpretation that resulted that did not come from the SPIRIT was expected and used by the SPIRIT to reach the whole world as the whole world IS caught up in the passion play of this. This is what I have found the SPIRIT is all about and that is the PASSION to REACH You about the smallest of points overlooked which is that the interpretation that the living story becomes is like a dead moth eaten cloak after a period and the true meaning is "first hand experience with how the SPIRIT WILL PROVIDE so that in that time that is coming You will believe that
Reading the book and learning the stories of Those That Went Before Us is good, but until the SPIRIT is ALIVE IN YOU, Your story has not begun.
When we to do this for ourselves it is like those that try to save their own lives through the interpretation only to loose their lives in the end. While those that wait on the SPIRIT reveal the true power of the SPIRIT overlooked by those self right.
Those who went before us 1
Loosen up to walk in Wilderness
Last Easter I was at my Lowest Point waiting for the SPIRIT to provide
When You begin to have your own experience with how the SPIRIT provides, that story will grow like a TREE until the fruit burst out on the branches and all can see the Smallest of Points Overlooked by their lack of experience with SPIRIT. Such true experience is being Born Of the SPIRIT. It is the promised new life in the SPIRIT.
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