Monday, June 05, 2017

Because they want to believe a lie (Both Sides) They intentionally misunderstand the other

Because they want to believe a lie
(Both Sides)
They intentionally misunderstand the other

The predictions (dnatree predictions) have all become true as to what would and is happening and they indicate that the "right people" on both sides are being gathered together in order to jolt them and reach them to the heart (those that remain) because they always love their interpretation more than they love each other and they always overlook the smallest of points and love their presumptions. Therefore, the Orange is coming, leaders lead astray, and the GREAT HUMILIATION is coming true. It is important that those that love their interpretation more than they love the SPIRIT overlook this the SPIRIT as they move closer to their own desolation.

Synch with "The Call"


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