Thursday, July 12, 2018

Your Being Played

When I first saw how the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau got into such hot water right after he stood up to the manipulations of Trump and how Trump JOLTED the NATO summit by accusing Germany, I felt like what happened to me when a MANIPULATOR used the word GUN and used their own domestic violence against me in order to control the conversation and the public opinion. What is happening is not what is happening it is someone controlling the public conversation. The same thing with Stormy Daniels where instead of using the word GUN it was using the law where people were touching Stormy not in a sexual way but in a way that could be used against her.

The thing is that those that follow the law and are not so brazen as to use the law in that manner are POWERLESS against someone that uses the law in such a manner as everyone has been taught over their lifetimes to not do such things but a lawless person both lawless in the law and toward SPIRIT are practiced in the use of this and in telling everyone that fears for their position how to control the situation after they USE THE LAW in this manner.

The only way for the world to combat such manipulation is SPIRIT as SPIRIT knows the smallest of points overlooked that can keep up with the practiced manipulator.
Even those in positions in the gop are being used to keep the conversation and worship the abilities of this one but the SPIRIT is the only one that knows how to overcome this before it is too late but at the rate of ATTENTION  to SPIRIT on this planet DESOLATION IS INEVITABLE. Those benifiting by the lie will not want to see it but the wonders that begin to happen are to delude the masses as they will be amazed.

You chose this
The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,

This is what is meant by how the world will follow after him and become like him in that they will see no other way except to do the same. This is the Wild Ride predicted as it is the same manipulator/liar/spirit such as experienced by my family. Those on Prophecies, Oroborus, Propheciesonline should not be able to see clearly how they chose this and how everyone chose this. But you have no idea how big this is going to get. Get ready for the wild ride!

How long MY LIFE?

Synchs with this moment (Posts from July 2017)
You have to give your life to SPIRIT and drink this cup, you can't have it both ways


DNATREE: News is only what they want you to see


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