The culmination of years of reaching You through the predictions -The last song
I'm glad were on the same the way what page is it now anyways?

Go to Sleep, My darling
I did not want to come back here
This is all meaningless without real love
you all are not worthy to touch the hem of this love
For the past few weeks I've been thinking about this Last Song sync and how I felt as if really didn't understand the sync fully, so I let it go as I knew I was attaching too much emphasis upon the political divide of ideology and missing the boat on the gulf you've attempted to bridge between Spirit and the success or failure of ...
I came home from work this afternoon, and read your post about Pam, and as I read the line about us all not being worthy ... I burst into tears. I read your blog on Monday about your Heartbreak and how the Spirit had reached out to you before the storm, and whispered it would be ok.
I wanted to say something to you about it, but alas this little lion did not have the courage.
(I just had an asthma attack writing the above ...that hasn't happened in years. I had an inhaler in my purse because my doctor always said it was a good idea, I guess she was right.
Anyway, sorry to divert what I wanted to say to about me ...
Yep, I'm not worthy
I'm still confused
but very happy she is coming home and happy birthday to you!
I came home from work this afternoon, and read your post about Pam, and as I read the line about us all not being worthy ... I burst into tears. I read your blog on Monday about your Heartbreak and how the Spirit had reached out to you before the storm, and whispered it would be ok.
I wanted to say something to you about it, but alas this little lion did not have the courage.
(I just had an asthma attack writing the above ...that hasn't happened in years. I had an inhaler in my purse because my doctor always said it was a good idea, I guess she was right.
Anyway, sorry to divert what I wanted to say to about me ...
Yep, I'm not worthy
I'm still confused
but very happy she is coming home and happy birthday to you!
I took my dog to the vet the other day and he growled and barked at everyone, it is his way. He has major stranger danger and is very protective of me. My little guard dog.
My baggage that I feel makes me unworthy is from my past that I have written about here, and the asthma attack is a symptom of that fear and what I felt come through what came through your words.
I'll explain more later if you will indulge me, but right now I will be late for work if I don't get moving. I cannot stand being late.
Even though I make my own schedule.
My baggage that I feel makes me unworthy is from my past that I have written about here, and the asthma attack is a symptom of that fear and what I felt come through what came through your words.
I'll explain more later if you will indulge me, but right now I will be late for work if I don't get moving. I cannot stand being late.
Privately I have given you what I got from the SPIRIT and that it is for you and not for them. I have the words of Pam's STUPOR about your dog that I will give you when I find them but like Pam and I it is not for the world but for the two (The lover SPIRIT and the beloved) only. You are blessed!
Privately I have given you what I got from the SPIRIT and that it is for you and not for them. I have the words of Pam's STUPOR about your dog that I will give you when I find them but like Pam and I it is not for the world but for the two (The lover SPIRIT and the beloved) only. You are blessed!
it has been a morning of little things
first, my coffee maker spilled out all over the counter
it was really foggy when i went to work, I was almost ran over by a truck
and a mix up led me home
i looked in the mailbox
and i had a really strange, but relevant flyer within
schnauzers are not for everyone ... they are barkers
i used to clean for a house with a schnauzer, she would never let me anywhere near her and would bark at me for about a half hour each time she saw me
oh, and yes, I understand
it has been a morning of little things
first, my coffee maker spilled out all over the counter
it was really foggy when i went to work, I was almost ran over by a truck
and a mix up led me home
i looked in the mailbox
and i had a really strange, but relevant flyer within
schnauzers are not for everyone ... they are barkers
i used to clean for a house with a schnauzer, she would never let me anywhere near her and would bark at me for about a half hour each time she saw me
oh, and yes, I understand and dying and animals and spirits...the departed and the reunited..oh my! And all those animals with idiosyncrasies.I do so hope you and your pammy can finally become ONE. Lord forbid!
Cause from whence thereabouts aught thy beloved go? Thy fairweathered friend be not dismayed for a rose by any other name...yet still rings true! In sleak nor rain cannot shatter thy most precious.most precarious heart.Nye I say I hope your little schnauzers get their rest,but do attend those that have been by your side form day one will you please dear? God keep you.
Cause from whence thereabouts aught thy beloved go? Thy fairweathered friend be not dismayed for a rose by any other name...yet still rings true! In sleak nor rain cannot shatter thy most precious.most precarious heart.Nye I say I hope your little schnauzers get their rest,but do attend those that have been by your side form day one will you please dear? God keep you.
I got a flyer in the mail this morning.
The front says
"Your Time Ark Service Modules Have Returned!"
It references Revelation 6:12-17 on the other side
it didn't have my name on it, so I would imagine everyone in town got one?
with the schnauzer comment, I assume you are speaking to me
when you said, "what am I, chopped liver?"
I don't know what you mean
then LL become WF ...
and I admitted I was confused.
I don't remember you...from any forum, I've said that before, as I didn't remember DNA from any forum either. The only person I remember was 42, are you saying that you were 'playing that role?'
LL was always special to me, and in hindsight, maybe he was special to you as well...I can only assume. Maybe DNA was special to you too...I have no idea what happened.
I was a case of who is that person...what is there ulterior motive? motive, communication and connection. Sorry if my type of communication was unwelcome, that's why I try not to post too much.
I just want to reach out and talk to people, maybe have a little fun before I die. One just never knows.
I've been video taping orbs in my livingroom, then today I read something DNA had posted back in 2012...a comment about someone called orb queen. I don't know who that is either, but I remember saying to someone while I was in my orb craze, "I'm the orb queen" not realizing in the least that it was someone from a past forum.
I've learned the forum world is rather small.
When I said LL was special, I remember him the most ... writing poems back to him, that I thought were innocent, but I am awkward and I guess my social graces are critically lacking.
I would have like to know you, why your computers are broken, what your thoughts are on all sorts of matters.
The front says
"Your Time Ark Service Modules Have Returned!"
It references Revelation 6:12-17 on the other side
it didn't have my name on it, so I would imagine everyone in town got one?
with the schnauzer comment, I assume you are speaking to me
when you said, "what am I, chopped liver?"
I don't know what you mean
then LL become WF ...
and I admitted I was confused.
I don't remember you...from any forum, I've said that before, as I didn't remember DNA from any forum either. The only person I remember was 42, are you saying that you were 'playing that role?'
LL was always special to me, and in hindsight, maybe he was special to you as well...I can only assume. Maybe DNA was special to you too...I have no idea what happened.
I was a case of who is that person...what is there ulterior motive? motive, communication and connection. Sorry if my type of communication was unwelcome, that's why I try not to post too much.
I just want to reach out and talk to people, maybe have a little fun before I die. One just never knows.
I've been video taping orbs in my livingroom, then today I read something DNA had posted back in 2012...a comment about someone called orb queen. I don't know who that is either, but I remember saying to someone while I was in my orb craze, "I'm the orb queen" not realizing in the least that it was someone from a past forum.
I've learned the forum world is rather small.
When I said LL was special, I remember him the most ... writing poems back to him, that I thought were innocent, but I am awkward and I guess my social graces are critically lacking.
I would have like to know you, why your computers are broken, what your thoughts are on all sorts of matters.
"Chopped Liver"
Anyway, I woke up with the words of the dream from last night
and this song (There's nothing holding me back SHE is LIFE/SPIRIT) 
He builds the house from the ground up
She cleans it from the top down
When he and she meet they know it is right
In reference to what love did in our lives leading up to
Go to Sleep MY Darling, I will catch you
I woke up and gave these words to Johnathan because he was dreaming of Kat and Pam and his life.
Good morning Paul and Pam
I feel I need to include Pam because she is your own and You are my own
Even though she is away at this moment she is still with you
As I drifted into the dream time I thought of Kat and Pam and felt love. It was love not for the persons but for YOU SPIRIT.
He builds the house from the groud up she cleans it from the top down
When he and she meet they know it is right
Dreaming is building
You are correct!
A dream is a self replicating brick which divides and grows
I like this metaphor
Dnatree (Don't Get crushed by the huge rock that is in your path right now,,,, fall on it and let yourself be broken)
Rock dnatree
Beware of the false bride, harlot, imitator as she never gave herself to the SPIRIT but loved money and hates the bridegroom. She follows an interpretation but never knew me! This is Religion. Even Isaac was fooled by an imitator.
The rest of this morning took off to be romance in SPIRIT with synchs related to what Pam had spoken in her stupor (next story)
Be a part of the dream on this wild ride that you have been blessed to be on, do not control it or it will crush you.
Yesterday I woke up thinking "even in jail they get visiting hours" and began to speak to Celina on the phone. They of course thought they knew what was best but relented and told me it was ok to come see her at 4pm
I entered the room to a changed person like in a moment in a twinkling of an eye.
Her countenance was like Moses as he turned from seeing the LORD at the top of the mountain
Not a spek of fear remained in her being
There was no hesitation, she was in love with SPIRIT and with me and had been dreaming of all that we would share.
I sat by the bed and fed her dinner as I had fed her breakfast, she had thrown off the veils
The Lovers
will drink wine night and day.
They will drink until they can
tear away the veils of intellect and
melt away the layers of shame and modesty.
When in Love,
body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist.
Become this,
fall in Love,
and you will not be separated again. Rumi
I sang to her
Oh sweet bitterness
I will soothe you and heal you
I will bring you roses
I, too, have been covered with thorns
(Blessed is she who nailed me to this tree.........
Love your enemies)
She wanted me to bring the next Caroline Casey as she felt a love for that
I have just listened to the first part this morning and it was much of what she dreamed in her stupor
(Here I lift up the words of my love, as she spoke in her stupor)
No my love it will be built for YOU
Bride Prepared, She has been reached to the heart
A rhetorical question used by a person who feels they are being given less attention or consideration than someone else.(That you might know the true intentions of MY heart)
Anyway, I woke up with the words of the dream from last night
He builds the house from the ground up
She cleans it from the top down
When he and she meet they know it is right
In reference to what love did in our lives leading up to
Go to Sleep MY Darling, I will catch you
I woke up and gave these words to Johnathan because he was dreaming of Kat and Pam and his life.
Good morning Paul and Pam
I feel I need to include Pam because she is your own and You are my own
Even though she is away at this moment she is still with you
As I drifted into the dream time I thought of Kat and Pam and felt love. It was love not for the persons but for YOU SPIRIT.
He builds the house from the groud up she cleans it from the top down
When he and she meet they know it is right
Dreaming is building
You are correct!
A dream is a self replicating brick which divides and grows
I like this metaphor
Dnatree (Don't Get crushed by the huge rock that is in your path right now,,,, fall on it and let yourself be broken)
Rock dnatree
Beware of the false bride, harlot, imitator as she never gave herself to the SPIRIT but loved money and hates the bridegroom. She follows an interpretation but never knew me! This is Religion. Even Isaac was fooled by an imitator.
The rest of this morning took off to be romance in SPIRIT with synchs related to what Pam had spoken in her stupor (next story)
Be a part of the dream on this wild ride that you have been blessed to be on, do not control it or it will crush you.
Yesterday I woke up thinking "even in jail they get visiting hours" and began to speak to Celina on the phone. They of course thought they knew what was best but relented and told me it was ok to come see her at 4pm
I entered the room to a changed person like in a moment in a twinkling of an eye.
Her countenance was like Moses as he turned from seeing the LORD at the top of the mountain
Not a spek of fear remained in her being
There was no hesitation, she was in love with SPIRIT and with me and had been dreaming of all that we would share.
I sat by the bed and fed her dinner as I had fed her breakfast, she had thrown off the veils
The Lovers
will drink wine night and day.
They will drink until they can
tear away the veils of intellect and
melt away the layers of shame and modesty.
When in Love,
body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist.
Become this,
fall in Love,
and you will not be separated again. Rumi
I sang to her
Oh sweet bitterness
I will soothe you and heal you
I will bring you roses
I, too, have been covered with thorns
(Blessed is she who nailed me to this tree.........
Love your enemies)
She wanted me to bring the next Caroline Casey as she felt a love for that
I have just listened to the first part this morning and it was much of what she dreamed in her stupor
(Here I lift up the words of my love, as she spoke in her stupor)
A huge barge, in the desert, impossible, impossible
No my love it will be built for YOU
Bride Prepared, She has been reached to the heart
She is my life, she is my wife, she comes to me in many forms and it is like poetry, like synchronicity and when HE AND SHE MEET (in the SPIRIT) they know it is right!
Wilco "My Darling" Lyrics In the belly the whale
You will never be alone
Johnathan messages, he is listening to Lightning crashes
Last night I dreamed of la Isla Bonita Bonita,, Pam in her stupor before the hospital all the places we will go
Take my breath away- finally love is no more shame
Purple Rain
Come Stay with me darling, we will watch the storm from a Distance
Madonna,, I'll Remember
Hands to Heaven,,, breathe
No wonder you could not sleep baby, neither can I... Such Joy, You went there, It was You I was speaking to
Thankyou Dido
Madonna Secret
Stay Wild as the Wind- undone
all through the night- Sleeping at Last- Oh, my darling
Version with Cindi Lauper
I can't breathe till your resting here with me
Oh, look at the time, I gotta go it is visiting hours
She wants me to bring here Hurricane by D'elle as She dreamed it last night
I tried to take her the song yesterday, but they who never knew me or her think their 8 yr degrees and equation know better, except this is the smallest of points overlooked
There is nothing Holding Me Back
But they said I could not bring anything in there for her to listen to
She is my life, she is my wife, she comes to me in many forms and it is like poetry, like synchronicity and when HE AND SHE MEET (in the SPIRIT) they know it is right!
Wilco "My Darling" Lyrics In the belly the whale
You will never be alone
Johnathan messages, he is listening to Lightning crashes
Last night I dreamed of la Isla Bonita Bonita,, Pam in her stupor before the hospital all the places we will go
Take my breath away- finally love is no more shame
Purple Rain
Come Stay with me darling, we will watch the storm from a Distance
Madonna,, I'll Remember
Hands to Heaven,,, breathe
No wonder you could not sleep baby, neither can I... Such Joy, You went there, It was You I was speaking to
Thankyou Dido
Madonna Secret
Stay Wild as the Wind- undone
all through the night- Sleeping at Last- Oh, my darling
Version with Cindi Lauper
I can't breathe till your resting here with me
Oh, look at the time, I gotta go it is visiting hours
She wants me to bring here Hurricane by D'elle as She dreamed it last night
I tried to take her the song yesterday, but they who never knew me or her think their 8 yr degrees and equation know better, except this is the smallest of points overlooked
There is nothing Holding Me Back
But they said I could not bring anything in there for her to listen to
She is really coming along good. I did a video but they had her medication a little high to help her sleep. Neither of us are sleeping good apart. When I first met her and she was blind and could not walk much and so much in fear the synchs led to her learning to jolt in California. But if you do not fill the cup a jolt comes to you according to your desires. She had to quit the nightly puff of pot that helped her to find sanctuary because they consider it a hard drug. And she began to go downhill after that. Of course they see it a different way and intentionally misunderstand. This is the smallest of points overlooked by all who learned/earned an 8yr equation/degree. Anyway, here is the video from today. I need to go away again but she wants to travel and I bought a semi of 700 flat screens with problems that I am fixing and selling. We deliver the first 7 seiki 42" Monday. They are all brand new. And Monday is the day she checks herself out of that hospital. She was pondering the poetry of the strawberry I brought her.
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