Perfect Love is Coming, Tulip Synch
Tulip Synch and Perfect Love
We planted a lot of Daffidils in the last couple years and the ones planted in past years came up first and the ones planted last year are coming up now. This yellow flower is a message of the hope and promise of spring. While out the other day Pam bought a pot of yellow Tulips and I placed them in the kitchen window sill. Last night as I was half watching Lost SE6E11 and a commercial came on and Pam looked over at the Tulips and said how beautiful they were which made me remember going by our neighbors and she pointed out her single yellow tulip in the yard and I told her we had a pot of yellow ones. This made me think of it as a synch so I looked up the dream meaning of Tulip and then clicked on the Spiritual Meaning and discovered two words that are in my synchs often. "Perfect Love"
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