Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Toxic Event Synch

An ongoing Toxic synch began with a memory of my friend Fred who died from Septicemia because he was hurting from a cracked pelvis and refused to get up from the coach to go to the bathroom. But we had a synch about it about a month before when I asked him to tell me anything odd that happens to him one day to find out what the cause of his ailing health was.

A few days later he told me he killed a copperhead while he was in great pain.
Day started Remembering my neihbor  Fred and the synch with Toxic
The copperhead synch
They represent someone in the dreamer's life that exhibits poor, dangerous, toxic or harmful behavior. They can be related to healing or health, however.Oct 26, 2022

Fred was suffering from a cracked pelvis but would not get up to go to the bathroom died from 
Septicemia, or sepsis, is the clinical name for blood poisoning by bacteria. It is the body's most extreme response to an infection. Sepsis that progresses to septic shock has a death rate as high as 50%, depending on the type of organism involved. Sepsis is a medical emergency and needs urgent medical treatment.

After talking to Pam about the synch we began to watch the netflix movie White Noise which turned out to be about a toxic cloud

 Orange Event in the synchs

White Noise Movie about a toxic cloud and death
Toxic Cloud

Also I noticed the Lecture about Hitler and the masses gathering to hear him related to a toxicity growing and that leader
You would not be reached
Lastly if this is where the road seems to end then remember to go up to the edge of where it seems to end believing and you will find it still goes on but in a different direction than greed, power.
So the path will not end for some
Path will not end for some

Oh Well!!!!


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