Sunday, December 29, 2024

I was awakened to darkness as the power had gone out during the storm last night

 I was awakened to darkness as the power had gone out during the storm last night. I decided to drive to town to see what the situation was there. It turned out that it was my isolated area and one major road leading there. I went to the Dairy Queen and decided to have breakfast. Some familiar faces were there and we began to speak. They knew me from some of the electronic work I had done when I first came to the area. As we spoke, one of them began to say we needed to kill all the Mexicans and I said that working in California many of my closest friends were Mexican Americans that worked for the Motel chain I repaired tv's for. I talked about how many families of Mexican decent were in California before it became a state and that they are now Americans and are very good workers. The one insisted that all Mexicans in America should be killed. I realize that that retoric was cultivated and brought out of these by the intent of polititians seeking to use these peoples hate to build a coalition. I also know that at this time such WORDS spoken by such are drawing such as they speak to themselves. According to your own words against others you are creating your future when those words are lies and motivated by hate. Especially in this moment as that was the intention for gathering through Trump rhetoric all who would have an affinity for such as he spoke. It is very important that all that have been "carefully taught" to hate in this manner REPENT for it is you that will be targeted by the SPIRIT to be reached to the heart in such a manner that you either relinquish your presumption and find true intention of heart toward all men or that you be destroyed. I got home and was drawn to the movie Broken Arrow. 

Such anger and the division in America is drawing


Monday, December 16, 2024

Christianity, giving what you demanded about Revelation

 Revelation, giving what you demanded because of interpretations that bypassed the SPIRIT as it is then the church that followed interpretations of man and draws their own cross by intending the book of revelation. You were supposed to seek the SPIRIT with all your heart and soul first. How they went to the right and away from those they were to love and understand. To become one with through the SPIRIT. Tell me, does Love take presidence? When I began my journey in the early 80 the synch drew me toward the left to understand love and I met Billy Joe Woody a guitar player that loved Donavan Music. The evolution of the synchs in those early days like with the Tabernakle and the 12 tribes encamped around the two houses,,, YOU and I, my life with that veil separating. 

In the dawn of my inheritance YOU taught me how the twelve were really one seeing YOU from many perspectives. Twelve types of fruit lining each side of the street. There has always only been YOU and I, MY LIFE and this veil separating us.

Through this learning I saw how all things synergise together just like there was only YOU and I in synchronicity. Though there be twelve tribes There is only YOU and I just like the twelve encircled the two rooms divided by a veil in the wilderness

Then Virgins with their lamps that had not had their veils torn yet, the SPIRIT being a light unto your path and the cross where that veil of interpretation is torn and the SPIRIT like blood and water flowing.

To share in that Cross/experience is having your veil of presumption torn

You chose to live alone and hide behind your tears and like a veil you demanded you are actually hiding yourself from ME/SPIRIT is the synch

Carrying my cross, which was jealousy of my wife. How do we "12" get this tree of synchronicity growing as each person manifests and grows in synchronicity with the SPIRIT. Not with my experience but with your real experiences. I have to take a step back from the SPIRIT that was speaking through Jesus as I have to humble myself to the SPIRIT that led me. The SPIRIT that was speaking through Jesus. 

Now Trump, The SPIRIT works the whales fin and a monster is used to motivate the heart to seek the SPIRIT as like myself before the veil was torn I was very presumptuous though the SPIRIT had led me for 12 years, I had to allow the experience that reached me to the heart. That is a choice in sharing in the cross. Christians under the law on the right return to love thy neighbor and allow the cross to erase your presumptions of scripture. And let the unveiled find the SPIRIT in their way as the Christians on the left were not led so astray by such as the Tea Party and interpretations of man that bypassed seeking the SPIRIT and growing like a tree in synchronicity. Different paths results in different trees/fruits that will be in synchronicity with even those unveiled having synchronicity with the SPIRIT. Synergizing in Love rather than separating in dogma. Dogma Separates, Love integrates.

Forget Revelations and cling to every word in synchronicity with the SPIRIT and it changes all you have come to have been told, that was intended.

I reached for Memories and Helen appeared

 I had forgotten my own memories from periods of my life so when I reached for them in my bed I felt the energy of ancestors in dna those that had True Intent. Later I began to see fruit and vegtables and Trump was a red onion that had not had his veil torn but the verse about how difficult it was for a rich man to enter the kingdom because of losing so much and how it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom,, also Rev 18 came to mind. Then I saw Helen clear as day the way she smiled at me, the way I felt about her. And Sarah and Joanie, Robert, John and Barbara and Andrew. I dreamed of seeing something from them this morning and I took one thing as a sign that I found but do not want to say as it is family. Hoping, as I had sown seeds and I need feedback on how they are growing in order to see what direction the SPIRIT moves growing this tree. Also their Church and something happening there with the SPIRIT.

Then Virgins with their lamps that had not had their veils torn yet, the SPIRIT being a light unto your path and the cross where that veil of interpretation is torn and the SPIRIT like blood and water flowing.

Much more happened last night but I will put those in a separate blog as they are on other subjects.