Saturday, July 27, 2019

I was covered in Thorns, YOU/SPIRIT brought me Roses

The SPIRIT that spoke through Jesus was intended for redemption from the misunderstanding in the garden when they chose to believe in Good and Evil and shame and blame. The poetry of the sin/separation at the tree where she chose to believe the "Fake News" of the snake over what the SPIRIT had given them. The words of the SPIRIT cannot be interpreted by SPIRIT but the whole world has chosen the wisdom of man which is to interpret themselves. While the wonder that causes the heart to ask the right questions leads to truth through the SPIRIT.

So what is this synch saying but that a snake (crafty serpent  that twists the truth" and it is said that " When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 

This was the beginning of interpretation that was not from SPIRIT and this has led to blocking the SPIRIT and even making all who do not worship the interpretation to be killed. The right people therefore are wrong and their eyes have also been veiled by their self rightness as they judge without every knowing the SPIRIT themselves and kill those that do know the SPIRIT because they do not worship their interpretation.  Instead of doing what Jesus did which was to seek the SPIRIT of God with all their heart and strength because they are really the non believers who twist the truth and follow a leader that intentionally twists the truth because of their true intentions of heart which is hate, manipulation and money.

I take great joy in many of the customs of man and am free to embrace anything that brings joy to all who gather together to share in it, but only as the SPIRIT leads. Without the SPIRIT there is only division and misunderstanding.

After experiencing death of the interpretations so
as to tear the veil covering the heart

Following the synchs and seeking to know the SPIRIT that spoke through Jesus led me to know the SPIRIT that spoke through Jesus. And realize the net that was set for all who would interpret having to do with what the name and the blood of Jesus really was. 

But the synchs were leading me to the same humiliation and reaching to the heart experience that YOU the SPIRIT speaking through those who went before us and Jesus. I knew the synchs that led me, but came to know YOU/SPIRIT in the reality of that Cross experience when I found that by believing what I saw of such as Jesus I put myself on that cross, I was crucified with Christ. My heart was broken because of the separation between YOU and I on this planet.

When I cried to you with great passion to fill that emptiness where as in poetry I was struck as the spear the SPIRIT welded tore the veil of interpretation within I had no option but to let go and only see YOU. I was alone for six years and as I was betrayed by those closest to me it was YOU that comforted me.

"YOU/SPIRIT brought me Roses"

Friday, July 26, 2019

Seeing through the eyes of the people of the right and the left, leaders lead astray

Like Brittany Kaiser who was an exec at Cambridge Analytica and said in the Netflix documentary that she joined the NRA in order to understand them I was taken by the SPIRIT from a conservative upbringing to learn from the true intent of not what is called liberal people but people that are "labeled liberal" by the right. I learned how much they are loved by SPIRIT and how the salt (right people who never knew the SPIRIT) who teach to learn from interpretations and ideologies are led to hate them while overlooking their own sin/separation via interpretation.

I am now finding myself going back and from that experience in understanding LGBT and many other people who are not part of the conservative movement but rather diverse and therefore labeled liberal, I have come back lie the return of the native to such as I was born into and I see that they are also just people but the leaders of both parties are actually leading each side astray to hate and leading them to war over "who is right" but there is none right, no not one. For only the SPIRIT is perfect to create exactly as intended. The abomination of interpretation peddled by leaders because it was not received through SPIRIT but from snakes in the tree of the knowledge of  "Good and Evil" which is really just "shame and blame" that is used by snakes to lie and manipulate and use against anyone that is like such snakes.

So all who follow a leader and not SPIRIT are following a lie and that is both sides however the salt of the earth who love their ideology more than they love each other left the SPIRIT many centuries ago and now they are being led to being trodden under the foot of men because "they never knew me".
The SPIRIT that was speaking through Jesus. But they only know a story about someone who actually sent them a deluding influence which is scripture without the guidance of SPIRIT which is the power of lies by the snakes to interpret what was never theirs to interpret.

Leaders such as Trump seem Godless except for the worship of power and money but though they are contrary to the SPIRIT they are going to reach You to the heart and are the power of God even through those who never knew SPIRIT to be used of SPIRIT but will be humiliated after their stent and their memory trodden under the foot of men.

"Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.
The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.

The SPIRIT is the only path to God, interpretation is designed to lead astray as the story of the snake in the tree Reveals.

I am now having synchs with how cells such as two or three people who join together seeking to understand the true intentions of the heart the lover is in their midst. That is what passion teaches to let go of shame and blame though the dead seek to manipulate and gain something from intentionally misunderstanding those who seek to love and dream passionately learn real magic because of the teacher but the power of the snake who twisted the mind of the woman is to use the power of shame to entice the woman. Good and Evil is Blame and Shame and that is yours because you chose the law to follow instead of SPIRIT therefore you have chosen the control of the snake and the woman as all women join together to use their conbined influence to demand following their interpretation that is not of God but of some snake. (snakes are both men and women who interpreted without SPIRIT in order to gain power)

The law of SPIRIT once real union with SPIRIT is devoid of shame and even if they were wrong they are made right by the SPIRIT in the midst of their enemies.

The power of the SPIRIT to reach a man is such as King David, Samson, and Jacob's Dream and only with true intention of heart and belief that has grown from synchronicity, a man can pass beyond the veil and lead her/his own to redemption. But the manipulators and liars who sneak in other than the SPIRIT DOOR are really just robbers and thieves.

But the manipulators and liars who sneak in other than the SPIRIT DOOR are really just robbers and thieves.

These are they that hate you above all men for the SPIRIT's sake, they despite-fully use you for gain using the multitudes of those that followed the lie as power against you. Like the woman that leads a man using sex (Delilah) Women who use their passion in a manner it was not intended to trap is what is happening to all those men who are wealthy. Sex is a teacher but it is the power of a women to manipulate.Sex is natural to teach how all the layers of the heart when they are one without shame create exactly the perfect experience but the law is intended to block and create shame and veil you from SPIRIT  for those that do follow SPIRIT beyond the veil. As in the poetry of Israel they wander but never enter in.When Jesus said they would kill you and you will be hated above all men it was the religious that never heard him replacing the law with the law of love but rather join all the words that work to make them like unto a god in order to use against others.

A man who loses his life seeking with all his heart and passion to let the SPIRIT fix what the lie says is his shame is much greater than the one that appears to be the victim when really she was a Delilah who is intending to upturn his life in order to gain power and money. The sins of the snake and the woman are hidden from the law intentionally by interpretation which benefits them and when a man's life is turned upside down by such as these who lie and manipulate, the manipulator lies in wait for them to react knowing they can manipulate the outcome through lies. This is where true faith in SPIRIT is built and he in his sorrow and pain is ripe for the door to SPIRIT having experienced what the HUMILIATION OF  CHRIST which Jesus was talking about. The message the SPIRIT leads to is contrary to the interpretation of those that hide behind a veil of interpretation not of SPIRIT.

When you wait and judge a man according to the fruit of SPIRIT rather than the story the snake and the women paint to entrap. The story they love to use to empower their base which is the presumption of the snake and the women without SPIRIT. This leads the world to not see the true intentions of the heart to let the SPIRIT lead, but to inspire hate above all men for those who allow the SPIRIT to do what they could not do while the snake hides the truth in their hearts and tell the woman that a man should feel shame in order to limit his power by blocking access to SPIRIT.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

You and I collide and August, Strait of Hormuz, News today


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Navy and synchs and both sides match news

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Predicted Orange Event and "both sides" synch

August 21, 2017

You and I collide synch and the Navy

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Navy and synchs and both sides match news


DNATREE: Women and Men in America, the separation and the ...

August 27th 2005 synch YOU and I Collide
August 27-Sept 19 has always been the synch with YOU and I collide related to my father's death date as predicted at Death Valley California about Hurricane Irene and the synch was rejected and we did not reach America therefore, you have created much more by not responding to SPIRIT, this is how separation/sin leads to death.
What is happening now in the Strait of Hormuz was predicted

DNATREE: Navy and synchs and both sides match news

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

So That is Why SPIRIT Chose Trump, to lead astray, brain overlooks the SPIRIT

I found that I love Trump though he hates "MY OWN"
because the SPIRIT will show the manipulator gets 
manipulated by SPIRIT

I am not yet perfected in love as most who still are living also are not. But the SPIRIT says that even the lying manipulators that when someone seeking SPIRIT gets used and manipulated by they can say to life that it was YOU SPIRIT that blessed me with this experience to understand the HUMILIATION and pain that reaches to the heart and makes those who have a ear hear!  So that it can be said of my life and not the person who lied and manipulated that it was YOU that reached me, or as the poetry goes as I look down from the cross having been speared "It was myself that put me here as I truly sought to know the true intentions of the heart but I could not do it so I left it to SPIRIT how to reach me and show me your ways. It has nothing to do with the veil of interpretation given you by those that never knew me, such as those that interpret without truly experiencing the truth about the cross. It was intended, so that seeing they would not see,,, (those that interpret and judge,yet never knew ME says SPIRIT) This  was the message of SPIRIT that the truth was not what was written but that those truly letting the SPIRIT lead would be hated and killed by those who are self right who read the book but never experienced what was meant to reveal through interaction with SPIRIT all that is HIDDEN. It is going to be a wild ride! But that was revealed over 20 yrs and every person rejected the message. So we learn to welcome even the hateful who manipulate because of how the SPIRIT has planned to use even this such as being manipulated and deceitfully used as those who went before us wrote in code for those having an ear, but the for self-right they are being used as the SPIRIT even uses what the SPIRIT-less do to reach the heart of men to save those from death and lead the self right to their due.

So That is Why SPIRIT Chose Trump

For though I am not perfected in loving I prayed for this man to come
in order to reach you to the heart

When I dreamed reaching America I asked SPIRIT that if I could not reach them then give them a leader that they especially the right people on the right that control society be given a leader that would be all they dreamed but that because of the smallest of points overlooked he would actually lead them astray and reveal all who just want to win such as those that want to appear right like the self right in religion and those that really blame and hate ethnics not knowing that they are responsible for creating thoughts that hurt themselves through their OWN beliefs.

But everything even  a manipulator is doing the will of the SPIRIT but in the end without getting guidance from SPIRIT you make mistakes and if you do big outlandish things without the SPIRIT and the smallest of points overlooked by the brain then you make I have many of the same problems like a thorn in my flesh as Trump but the SPIRIT says "I am that I am" but without SPIRIT those weaknesses lead to a broken heart, but that is how SPIRIT shows how to make the experience perfect even when there are those trying to manipulate and lie and use them against me. That is the path of SPIRIT as Jesus revealed. But they overlooked the SPIRIT which is the completion to perfection of love. So it was said without love you are nothing, but it is for this reason that without SPIRIT you are nothing. Unveiled and Uninhibited like Trump but allowing SPIRIT to make me right rather than manipulation, lying and money to cover the shame of who we really are.



There is coming a situation where the manipulator leads to a situation (stuck) where the "smartness of the snake" will fail and something will have to happen, and that is when the SPIRIT will be revealed and those that rejected the SPIRIT will see they have committed a crime by following a leader.

Desolation will be caused by rejection of SPIRIT and what was overlooked or covered up for money and power.

Synch on this date
SPIRIT already knows those that would seek to use this without true intent and it will turn on them and show the dangers of interpretation of even this without SPIRIT leading

Other synchs
Got this book in the works about following other than the SPIRIT such as Eve and the manipulation and lying Snake who manipulated the words of the SPIRIT to lead the woman astray.

The fruity TREE
The Woman
And the orange Snake

A woman's Guide
to Fake News

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Synchs around this date

Synchs on this date over the years
I gave my love for you to SPIRIT that he keep you and reach you as I died to the world and live for the SPIRIT and therefore I am constantly misunderstood especially by those who interpret without SPIRIT and those that judge but their judgments will be their own.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Trump, Mitch and Calm down ,,, when the intention is fire! Broken Hearts, Sorrow and I will reach you

The prediction is now happening 
and leave those hiding their manipulation and lies
with nowhere left to hide
and leave those hiding with nowhere left to hide

So the dems in the news say that making Trump mad is his weakness cause then he does something stupid like trying to make four progressive ladies mad and then there is Mitch Mcconnel say everybody needs to calm down and that has been my synch tod. So when I noticed that the other day Pam had chosen a Taylor Swift song named Calm Down I went to YouTube to find the lyrics and so here is Taylor Swift with

Now Mitch McConnel I understand the playbook Trump backed by the haters and it would be impossible for you to say what is obvious truth because it is not politically expedient and yes Trump using the seat of our fathers and the law in a manner none of them were intended and so obviously hudreds of prophecies the synch have been spelling out since

See this word below from the SPIRIT about the right people on the right and the right people on the left started way before 2005
And the prediction of 

The True Intentions of the heart of those hiding behind a veil of Interpretation
Yea Trump,, it was all predicted and the Truth that WILL TAKE YOU DOWN
how it was intended mutually by the SPIRIT and the other new creatures of this earth
to break all hearts and open them to sorrow that they that remain might be reached to the heart!

Trump, gotta be number one
sad in his prostitute garden
I am going to break your heart
Hey just saying what the SPIRIT said would come

Yea, I actually had the grim reaper synch start yesterday l but none will like what the SPIRIT MEANT!

You will find your intentions work best when you give the passion and anger to the SPIRIT
as perfect love is better than a bullet!

Synchs the last few days

We went to Waffle House yesterday to sit there and drink tea while waiting for a Chiropractor appointment and there was a young girl there that I had once been friends that reminded me of another person that had been close to me at one time. I waited to see how this person would react to  seeing me again as we had been friends at one time. But they seemed not to remember me and ignored me and that told me that I should let go of that person that they reminded me of because that was what they had last wanted and that without them being reached it would only result in the same pain and lack of love that was always the results of that experience because they really could never understand the true intention of the heart without being reached by SPIRIT. Therefore their heart would be broken and the only way they could ever relate to me in the future was through the SPIRIT as if they could be reached they would experience such a great message from me through the SPIRIT and understand what has been kept from them.

Also had a synch with meeting the daughter of a friend that was really messed up in that when I walked in the store and met the cashier I said that she looked like a person named Sandra to which my mother is Sandra but she has many problems that she caused herself so they are not close now. I realized I knew this already and wondered how I knew this was her daughter. I was told that Sandra had chosen a different life because she blamed a person who she blamed for her own problems she had created herself recently and had put herself in a real difficult situation because of her decision to move from the pot to the frying pan.

Next synch I do not think was related to the above synchs but seemed to be related to each other and perhaps the synch with Trump and tripping up in recent posts. So yesterday I took Pam to her Tai Chi and then took the dog for a walk in a part of the park no other peaple were at. What made me decide to go to this recently opened area was this man carrying his bike. I said would it not be easier to ride it. And he said that it had fell in a hole and damaged it but that he would recover easy as he has another rim already. As he walked by I noticed this section of the park that had been opened and mowed by the lake the other side of the street and also there were orange flowers over there. As I got to the other side of the street I stepped in a hole and had to recover from almost falling, then a few steps further another hole that had been hidden tried to get me to all again to which I again recovered without falling. I then went into the park on that side and let the dog off his leash to run and chase sticks. We went exploring to the back of the area where I found another of my recent intentions which was to find bamboo growing near our home to see what kind would grow here.

I had a synch about the movie House of Cards about a father that had died and the young daughter went into a trance to reach him in the Moon. Which is also in my writings from 1993

Sunday, July 14, 2019

unfinished synchs I am writing

Synchs today

Water Synch I got up and looked at my phone and Jonathan said good Morning Paul and Pam. I had put a weird word for him to look up
Will download messenger conversation

Future synch self organization, coming crime of following a leader, leaders lead astray

Rain   wash away my sorrow


bad boys

Galileo, gravity thoughts placing bowl in sink only to hear several moments later a loud crash. I had placed the bowl in the sink and walked back into the living room and stood still talking to Pam when the crash was heard. Seemed impossible because of where the

Bat Cave Jack Black Video, Back to the moon pbs bat cave

Friday, July 12, 2019

SPIRIT blockers, deaths, stonehenge

The only law, the one that fulfills all scribbling by scribes is the law of Love, supposedly under the Christ which is the SPIRIT such as who spoke through Jesus or anyone who sought the SPIRIT and grew to  KNOW YOU. The SPIRIT that speaks through creation. Those that demanded a VEIL be over everyone's eyes. The anti-christ is the SPIRIT in those that used the letter to justify their right to make laws other than the law the human race as a child had been given such as the ten commandments but this was to be done away with as the being spoke through Jesus said that love is all of the law, in that YOU LOVE THE LORD AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. But those that love an interpretation and wish to use it against those they hate like the alt-right, draw unto themselves interpretations that bypass the law which is given to those who have become a man and put away the law of shame and blame for the greater love which is first loving god enough to be reached to the heart by the SPIRIT therefore resulting in the law of love. They do not convict others but reveal how they are DRAWING TO THEMSELVES THEIR OWN PUNISHMENT. Such as the alt-right that out-rightly coopt-ed

past tense: coopted; past participle: coopted
  1. appoint to membership of a committee or other body by invitation of the existing members.
    • divert to or use in a role different from the usual or original one.

      "social scientists were co-opted to work with the development agencies"
    • adopt (an idea or policy) for one's own use.

      "the green parties have had most of their ideas co-opted by bigger parties"

the interpretation of the law in order to use it against whom they want. But these that USE THE LAW WHICH IS NOT THE LAW AT ALL but the rules of disobedient children that will not be reached, therefore they MUST FULFILL THE LAW TO THE LETTER WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE RESULTING IN DIVISION (separation/sin/death)

While those who have been reached by seeking the SPIRIT with all their heart do not look at the law but adhere to the SPIRIT of God  and in doing so even if they were wrong the SPIRIT makes them right!

Now the misuse of the law by those under the law by using it in a manner it was not given to them for and even blocking the door to SPIRIT through their self rightness are like those that use the law against others when it was for them to keep because they do not know SPIRIT which fulfills the purpose of the law these really disbelieve in SPIRIT and it is in this time that they believing an interpretation of the end create ONLY FOR THEMSELVES an end....a death eternally as they believe. 

The synchs have grown to reveal how the SPIRIT through the hidden passion of those who know SPIRIT will accomplish this while these who hide behind a law of their own interpretation draw to themselves their own punishment such as those who intend to bloce the SPIRIT because the misuse of the law makes them believe they have power over others when really the cross was to reveal it was them all along doing what they hate to themselves.

In other words if Trump's power was only given to him to catch all who are like him, who manipulate and use the law in a manner it was not intended and then surprisingly he finds out what he overlooked then also this will be the result of all who both followed him and those that hated him yet it is in themselves what they hate which is being mirrored. Thus revealing the true intentions of the heart of all who deny/block SPIRIT.

Therefore, death synchs have grown to begin manifesting because of the MUTUAL intent to reach you to the heart and those who will not be reached their deaths will be a manifestation of the SPIRIT capable of reaching those with true intention of heart.

So it is soon to be the halfway point where the tables turn and those who worship the brain and manipulation and money will run out of luck which was designed to get them to follow this lie as it was given to intend in 1993 by the SPIRIT as the mutual way with creation to CLEAN HOUSE OF ALL THAT cannot be reached. The interpretation overlooked the SPIRIT and will reveal itself to become the great stumbling block revealing all those liars and thieves that used the power of a lie to MANIPULATE FOR POWER AND OR MONEY. The strap is being wound to rid the temple/earth of the money changers and all those that would gain from an interpretation without SPIRIT, this will reach those who were blocked from SPIRIT by the interpretation of men as that veil will be lifted.

Other synchs 
Rocket Scientist
Cannot buy or sell unless you have the upc code / or like Iran and North Korea unless you agree with the master manipulator.

The path is not figuring out anything by the brain which cannot see the whole equation but like such as Jesus whom could not say truth but show obedience and passion to be reached to the heart so that the brain died but SPIRIT is alive in the vessel and the fruit manifestations of SPIRIT. 

SPIRIT destroys the law in your by love such as bringing to face to face with the love and passion to know truth of those who are hated by those that love an interpretation such as LGBT which is of the law of SPIRIT, for as those who have ofended those who love a law of mis-interpretation, so they like those fed to the lions have been misunderstood and fed to the lions because of their passion to know truth. This love is so much greater respected by SPIRIT as only sinners of the law can be redeamed but those who consider themselves greater by keeping a llaw they use in a manner it was not intended believe themselves not needing to be redeemed by SPIRIT as their interpretation os their self rightness.

The links to synch will be added later today 

Stonehenge and where the shadow falls and what I placed there to remember that pointer so as to see what I was considering within the heart/temple at that moment and what SPIRIT through synchronicity at that time. The intention to cooperate with SPIRIT must be believed for it to grow.
Need to see the correlation between Storms and the intentions occurring at given times,,, also the Stonehenge idea of where things are placed at different times of the years before manifestations and at what moment

The Stonehenge of Synchs from this date previous years


So what seems to be evolving relating to this next synch is that a person uses the law in a manner it was not intended and tries to thwart the rule of law such as the supreme court ruling about the census question and those giving this person power if it is against the constitution are actually enemies of the constitution and country therefore this is one of the fulfillments of this prediction below.


Synchs are like the synergy of the nose, they can mean many things according to the SPIRIT in the moment

This synch from July 13, 2011 called

The growing divide, desolation is inevitable

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Today was about nature's response to separation, hurricanes, Hannity loves a lie, Sorrow is coming to America


Everyone loves their interpretation more than they love their countrymen. Everyone believes that it is all about winning like the so called leader everything is about winning, even if you have to lie your ass off and use the law in manner it was not intended, like the so called leader. The predictions knew that ORANGE WAS COMING AND LEADERS WOULD LEAD ASTRAY. The division was created to reach everyone to the heart so they don't have to be destroyed. You see the way nature and SPIRIT corrects division such as a war or what is happening politically is to create a jolt of SORROW. I don't want anyone hurt but everyone loves an interpretation they did not get from SPIRIT more than they love each other and the joy that proceeds from being reached to the heart is how the SPIRIT works.

Just days after the synchs with how nature will be stepping up the natural disasters because time is short and synchs that reveal that our leaders are not caring about respect for America but rather to make themselves great.

Sorrow  https://dnatree.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-division-was-created-to-create.html
As often the SPIRIT does after years of  predictions that came true today I was led to first
Killer Hurricanes, then Killer Volcanoes which are needed because of it was first our enemies raining down missiles in America that might not cause the needed sorrow to bring us back together but rather create more blame and hate. But if nature was to first cause devastation and sorrow and loss where two people are walking down the street and one is taken and the other left then the shortness of life and the reality of what questions a broken heart ask of God would lead to one finding out that they themselves created this by their beliefs that they followed via the letter of interpretation that SPIRIT did not lead them to.



So before the day the drones come back, before the RAIN of Missile tear your heart, before those we have misunderstood and caused them to not be able to buy or sell because they do not believe the interpretation our country demands. For we have decided contrary to the LAW OF LOVE OF JESUS not only have we decided to take away what the poor needed, but we have decided to turn them away because of interpretations that are loved more than WE LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS. Everyone blames their husband for what they themselves created as they will like Eve be thrown into sorrow when they see what they have overlooked and what they have BROUGHT UPON THEMSELVES by loving an interpretation given them by a snake over seeking to know the truth that is only available by love and passion for SPIRIT.

All of these growing factors are leading to desolation

Odd death synch, two deaths so far

Odd death synch, two deaths so far

Two deaths have occurred so far in connection with people that are in my reality and it seems to be with a specific circumstance related to blocking the way or needs of those related to my reality.

1. The first one happened when a friend had to move back to his home in Florida but he had rented it to a guy for 150.00. The guy did not want to give the property back even though because the rent was so low and seemed like he was going to fight it. The day my friend got back in Florida and realized he would have to evict the guy the guy made himself breakfast and got on his bike to run down to the local store and he was run over. We felt bad for the guy but realized that the mutual intentions and the pain this guy seemed to have about humans and life just opened the door to where my friend got what he needed and this guy got what he created for himself.

2. Just a few days ago my next door neighbor who had been trying to get social security as she was 66 but had never worked and was separated from her husband and he was the same age but chose not to get social security yet because he did not need it but she really did. By coincidence he died from complications from an injury where he had fallen off their roof in 2006 when they were together. Which opened the door for her widow's pension right at the moment she could not see a way forward. We had been talking and I told her there is always a way and that though she could not see it the answer is out there.

I am waiting for more on this synch but so far it seems to be a pattern related to those that are open to SPIRIT and have mutual love and/or intention with myself and SPIRIT.

I will be as open as I can in the development of this synch as it is related to many past synchs that are misunderstood by many.

https://dnatree.blogspot.com/search?q=deaths search these results for the word blocking to find out what is related to death and blocking


The next synch I have is those blocking SPIRIT that are being allowed to continue because their contribution is reaching many to the heart thou they may be a beast and their interpretation is not of SPIRIT, meaning time is short for them but their misdeeds are being used to reveal those being gathered for the bubblenet and for to be reached as through the humiliation of the cross.


Synchs around this date

Just got this related ot the silence that is needed, and aloneness. It was the question of love and true intent of a man that will not go to silence to hear from SPIRIT because of love and the verse that says without love you are nothing, a man should give his life for his wife, but if there is no love then is is better in the time coming to leave or be despitefully used to end it as it is better to pluck out an eye that having two eyes being led into hell.