Sunday, May 15, 2011

Liars and the Conflict of Interest synch

The coming Storm Ominous
Related post to Forks and Knives post

MONEY (the father of liars)
Odd synch tonight with this movie last night as on TV tonight I see the same thing about Lyme disease as we Saw in the Vegan Movie about Meat and Dairy industry and how the Liars that money creates in Government and the Medical Establishment.

Forks and Knives
Wendel and Campbell believe the Agriculture Department and the National Academy of Sciences have conflicts of interest when it comes to regulating dietary guidelines and the distribution of nutritional information.

And tonight on KVIE Under our Skin

documenting the lives of sufferers, investigating the controversy about treatment, exposing a conflict-of-interest scandal in the medical establishment--

Many things came up today about the coincidence between the lying way back when I went through the use of courts and law only to bind a man and to "plunder his house" and the lying done lately where the Spirit said this drew out all those that hated men and the Spirit and exposed them just like Jesus's intent for religion was to be a lie to catch the liars in a net. And that before I had been bitten by the snake only to prepare me for when the Spirit would crush the liars (snakes) head. (poetry in the Bible) That my own would see what will become of those that lie about the Spirit as they drew out and EXPOSED the hearts of many. Pearls before swine as Jesus said is indicative of these forums over ten years.

Bad to the Bone in the Tree Daddy,,, Remember that Raine

The humiliation of lies that I experienced before to prepare me to crush the snakes head. (My Own will learn from this) The smallest of Points related to Genghis Khan. How the Spirit reveals their hearts. The moderators on the National Academy of Sciences were revealed to have participated in a conflict of interest. Will they reveal their participation in order to escape what is coming.

For they mistakenly used a man's lover against him same MO dividing a forum.
You Need to read the last few blogs.

How Jesus made religion a lie in order to catch all the liars in a net that presumptuously speak without the SPIRIT. How those that hated the Spirit were drawn out on the forums in order that the Spirit might reveal the smallest of points. Reveal the "true intentions of the heart" that You might not be humiliated as the Spirit first took the humiliation from You. Synch with the Spirit using money like Jesus used religion to reveal the liars and catch them in a net. I wondered how money was going to be sanctified for this reality I am in. (Part of God's plan on video we are watching)

synch on the date of my father's death and the phrase (Check this blog out on Aug 29th my father's death two years later)
The coming Humiliation of Religion (Christians) Do not misunderstand After the humiliation the real reason for being caught in this net will appear
"Whoever loses his life for my sake and the truth's sake will save it"

There is no greater love except a man lay down his life for a new life in the Spirit. First there will be bitter struggles in families and misunderstandings and stumbling to find YOU, my life. But if a man loves his children he will hate them for the truth's sake and go and find the spirit in his own loneliness and humiliation that "through the Spirit" they (his children) might be saved. "For You are able, my life" They will hate him, not knowing the true intentions of his heart. If a man does not love his children enough to leave that he might find the Spirit then he does not deserve to enter into the kingdom.
The synchs are going to get ever more amazing as they capture all the liars in a net.
Bunnies, many hiding fears with their angry and disrespectful words.

Prophecies.us Oroborusforum speakreason


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