We are a group that does not gather in a building but talk to each other through the heart as all being have from the foundation of the earth. Words, like scripture turned out to give those for which the message was not meant what was not theirs and so like a thief in the night the Spirit will come in one moment and take even what they believe they possess.
A very few decide on this planet what each of You are allowed to hear, but the Spirit has OVERCOME "this WORLD".
Look into Your heart and understand the smallest of points overlooked. Would You rather the coming "event" was the "end of Your world, where You might be born again into a FRESH new world?" Or would You demand that it be the "End of the physical world?" Was it not that Israel had died to Spirit and become nothing but an interpretation at the moment they were destroyed in 66ad?
Other writings of late
I learned this through loving YOU while drinking coffee and smoking pot.
First knowing YOU/my life I was able to let go of any SHAME or BLAME that usually came from the "accuser of the bretheren".
Then I decreased the dose until I saw what I truly desired about the experience.
Thus I did not need the substance.
Those that wish for You shame will completely disagree as Your shame and blame they feel is necessary to covers their sin and to make such as these feel better about themselves.
The Veil of Interpretation is what is separating YOU and I
We should never have been sold Shame or Blame
Remember the Pain in the Secret Garden
We Chose to live alone and hide ourselves behind our tears and
like a veil You have hidden Yourself from Me
I am waiting, waiting at the door between our two houses
until the MOMENT, You take me back
Why do You hide Yourself from Me
Remember the Covenant We share
Remember...We created the sunrise to remind us HOW TO START NEW!
When you hate someone everything they do you interpret according to that intention until the day You are blamed and hated and everything You have done is shown to be a lie.
She had all the appearances that she loved him so they moved in the same house, but then after having children the noise of self rightness and shame and blame separated the whole house. Some in the house resorted to alcohol and drugs to cover the defining sound that disturbed the peace throughout of the whole sanctuary, and like Rumi sought through drunkenness to hear the Spirit that was Their life until they became not so drunk through wine as filled with the Spirit. The fearful and unbelieving increased the shame and blame as it was seeming to create the desired results. One day she all was prepared so she went to the Snake that he might help her to take all that he had including the hearts of his children. This is the Appearance of Self Rightness, This is Religion without the Spirit.
I found this doorway into the intentions of the heart of the one I loved. For as Jesus did not say what his cross that he carried was, nor what the wine that he drank was except to say it resulted in humiliation and rejection and denial. He said that they also would do this to You. He said that if You want the truth then "go to the Spirit". He said a lot of things that was greater than the present interpretation that they WORSHIPED but that was not the truth. That was what "they" demanded (THEY DEMANDED A KING AND A LAW/INTERPRETATION) in order for his words to LIVE ON. The true door is a very narrow door and not one of interpretation, but one of going to the Spirit for the truth and when You speak the truth and even with many miracles and synchs OR AN ANGEL DESCENDING FROM HEAVEN then they (religion, society, the presumptuous snake and those that uphold that lie) will humiliate you,they will reject You and will deny You. This was the message of Jesus which is denied by those that love the INTERPRETATIONS OF MAN. The love of God is not as the interpretation which seems to be if You are good and do not scare the fearful with Your passion then I will love You. No rather it is to those that these reject he says "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in," Those that believe in shame and blame profit nothing from doing this.
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