
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lighthouse, Sailing, Ships, SPIRIT as Guide

Yall probably know about my ongoing Lighthouse synch with my Grandsons As You can imagine the synchs with lighthouses in Maine were a big part of my experience.
I was drawn back to this thread by the SPIRIT of the Sea Captain
As I walked the rocks around Spruce Head in the fog the first morning being there I heard a ship navagating in the fog and this picture came to me as I felt a story also forming in my being. Later while driving in Camden Pam and I saw the image that I saw in the SPIRIT on the island shore in the fog. All this ties together with Sea Captain, Lighthouse, Sailing, healing, letting the SPIRIT guide your path.

This thread will now tie into the Lighthouse/Ship thread/synch forming

Our first experience with a lighthouse was in Owl's Head

Quote Pam Just now 
You cannot have two captains

I did a video dedicated to my grandson who's birthday was on the weekend I went to Owl's Head
This One is dedicated to Anthony on his birthday

Sunday 9 Sept at Owl's head Post Office trying to find stamps to mail something to my grandson
We saw so many lighthouses that we cannot post them all but we had touching synchs with some of them at Two Lights in Baltimore

The poem by Longfellow was posted in the place he wrote it about the ships and the lighthouses and being guided through life.
Change the Sam_number for hundreds of photos

Pam and I had a synch about play while we were there

First we did a video of us playing army in one of the Gun Batteries and then we went to the ruins of a mansion and did another vid about play, this is where I knew we had a synch going about being like a child... but then we walked by this car that had the bumper sticker about play.

The Leaf
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Synch at Portland Lighthouse with cannot have two Captains and about the problem with relationship and following interpretation vs SPIRIT 

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