
Friday, January 18, 2013

And so I go away again, not because of You but because of me

And so I go away again, not because of You but because of I want to only see SPIRIT and not get caught up in the energy of blame and shame. It is impossible to do when You get around shame and blame. Therefore the temple had no shame or blame.

Why Shame and Blame are wrong to believe in

Pre-shame Garden
                        It is my experience that it is better to be blamed and misunderstood by those that love shame and blame and attention to evil of others while seeking to know the SPIRIT than to go about trying to know GOD while holding blame for others.
The attention to GOOD/SPIRIT before the attention to not good/evil.

The moment of shame because they were naked
                        The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

                        They both ate from the fruit of the Idea of Good and Evil

Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
My experience of what believing in Good and Evil/shame and blame creates
                        The path of SPIRIT is attention to SPIRIT and not attention to the veil of good and evil that those looking to control through shame love more than they love each other. The simplicity of attention to SPIRIT and learning from SPIRIT is where our attention is to be. But when we consider evil thinking that blame and shame of another makes us appear more right we misunderstand and we are the evil. Therefore those hiding behind religion that never knew/follow SPIRIT but rather follow an interpretation that leads to shame and blame ARE the problem. They of course see the person following and learning from SPIRIT and misunderstand (often on purpose in order to shame and control their own fears) The person that loves shame and blame completely puts all blame on whom they deem evil which is exactly the meaning of Jesus and the cross. They are they that would crucify CHRIST all over again because their attention is not on LOVE through attention to SPIRIT. They feel because they are the victim that they are righteous but this is the illusion of the veil.

My own creations due to the emotions both of shame and blame

  1. Car door opens car coming
As I felt the blame I felt anger and blame toward the people wanting to blame. So as I rode down the street being a believing I create my reality things begin to happen. The first was that no cars were on this street until as I drove up to a car the girl inside opened the door to where I had to swerve to miss and lo and behold a car also was passing at the same moment. What this says to me is that the blame was creating more situations where someone around me would be at fault. But was it not me feeling this way that ruined the moment? This is why such things as rape are the result of believing in shame and blame.
  1. Way closes causing accident
There were many occasions during the day that were more complex but then as I rode the bike to meet Pam after carrying the energy of the person that was a victim that was angry at me for trying to comfort them by getting them to see the peace in non blame/shame situations and that we are the creators of our experience. But the next was  The next situation where I would have wanted to blame a man that inadvertently stepped into the path of my bike when many cars were coming and so I had to hit the curb or him. I fell and my fingers are hurting while I type this because of the experience. But there was no pain at the time it happened.
  1. Folks Making all kinds of judgments that cause me to not be in right place
As I began the ride yesterday I noticed that an energy I was carrying effected every part of my ride. As I stopped to put my coat on my bike everyone around me was making judgments about me as a pedestrian on a bike and it really effected their judgments about driving.
My return to Pre Shame Garden and attention to SPIRIT
                        Many years ago I went through this experience alone after letting go of humans because of their veil over their eyes. As the veil effects me more I leave the struggle for the simplicity of the SPIRIT alone or with a trusted friend/partner. My return to humans is for the purpose of reaching them but inadvertently many of them begin to try to make me to blame as I am misunderstood in my intent. This leads to having to leave that person for a period.
            No longer does the my Ego live but YOU are living through me.

What those that believe in shame blame and punishment are really doing by lifting their interpretation above the SPIRIT. The world is about to change.

What has been overlooked about a man’s sanctuary/temple and the absence of shame and blame.

            If you have any grievance against anyone You cannot receive from SPIRIT except problems occur making you feel blame but who is their to blame when You create a bolder to coincide and smash You. The bolder has no name to say “Mr. Bolder is to blame because he should have let me have the right of way. So whether you are in a state of shame or blame both are not of SPIRIT and both lead to more shame and blame. Let go of the veil of interpretation and let SPIRIT take over. Sure because it is not grown yet as You believe You will get hurt and it is by allowing this that the SPIRIT grows to salvation.

The things of the SPIRIT are Spiritually discerned and cannot be understood by interpreting the book. Only through the experience of humiliation and shame that CHRIST bore for men (for there is a great shame in this world just because You are a man) so much so is the shame that is immediate upon being a man that the Son of Man would destroy this earth because of the lack of joy and SPIRIT that the liar and the Woman that loves that lie want to keep the world believing.

When all hell brakes loose and no comfort is given to those that feel a victim it will be because they will not receive the truth but love a lie about shame and blame. You cannot receive from SPIRIT while believing in blame. You ONLY create a situation where You are found to blame in the end.

Now I go away and leave the struggle

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