
Sunday, October 06, 2013

More from the Mountain Stream

Our Keenest Opponents are our fellow Sojourners
With reference to the experience of our roses blooming in my last post
such a shared experience at this moment is speaking of humility for all involved including myself. The years of speaking the synchs have led me away from the humility of the SPIRIT due to the struggle with those

This is why I will not interact in posts much anymore.

Mother and I discussed her latest copy of the Intercessor which is not online yet Vol 29, but it has this line in it written by Norman Grubb about the Spiritual path and our keenest opponents being our fellow sojourners. It was different language related to Christian Thinking but "oh so true".

Time is short (indeed, life is short) therefore I must break Your heart!
This is not the man Steven Spence speaking but the synch with SPIRIT. Many that don't see SPIRIT would hate the man for saying things that they "interpret without going to the SPIRIT to learn the true intent of the heart".
return to the humility such as the dove crying on the branch to reach You. The fact that the roses bloom at different times suggests that the pains and troubles that are common to life experience are the power to reach the heart and the synchs about how I would reach You are not about one experience but the common experience of humans.

Those dear women that are having their hearts pierced "blooming" in the SPIRIT is caused by being struck to the heart which drives our attention to "either become cynical and bitter" or find SPIRIT to which we cling to in order to relieve the pain. The latter leads to SPIRITUAL growth.

The interpretations and thoughts of the flesh "like the letter of scripture" lead to death and misunderstanding. But to die to this way of thinking and feel what the heart really desires to relieve the pain leads to knowing the true intentions of the heart.

“He had no form nor comeliness; He was despised and rejected of men, smitten of God and afflicted.”
posted by Stephentree @ 9:30 AM

Don't judge too quickly (funny ads about what is overlooked)
Edited to put correct video link

The Separation of Americans due to ideology is at fever pitch, I feel only a humiliation and jolt to the heart of immense proportion likened to the humiliation of Crucifixion is all that will satisfy reaching to the heart and turn hearts toward the original intent.
Wind (SPIRIT) and Passion Fires growing in Stockton, ca.
fire passion dnatree

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 Post subject: Re: Mountain's Stream
PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:23 am 

I find it very,very difficult not letting what has been revealed to me slip back into unconsciousness..the struggle is in me and it burns me up-I try not to let it blaze out against others and just fight the good fight of faith,yearning for Gods Spirit to finish what it has started-if thats the right way of putting it.. ... 1g0tn7ta_w
Imagenot noticed the intercessor before-thanks for linking it.

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.”
― C.G. Jung

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 Post subject: Re: Mountain's Stream
PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:43 am 

‹‚BABY COME ON, FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED ‹‚this ain't no way to leave the broken hearted

Only YOU are able to keep what YOU have entrusted to me/MY LIFE!
For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

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 Post subject: Re: Mountain's Stream
PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:08 am 

taxineil wrote:
I find it very,very difficult not letting what has been revealed to me slip back into unconsciousness..the struggle is in me and it burns me up-I try not to let it blaze out against others and just fight the good fight of faith,yearning for Gods Spirit to finish what it has started-if thats the right way of putting it.. ... 1g0tn7ta_w
Imagenot noticed the intercessor before-thanks for linking it.

This is so true Taxi...

How to keep from slipping....

Nice song of Rain and doves for our friend Tree, as well.

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 Post subject: Re: Mountain's Stream
PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:19 am 

Yes, wash away my sorrow, take away my pain, YOUR love is coming down like Rain.

I just finished listening to that song/video

Check out break my teacher's heart in the thread above.

Thank You both for saying what You are experiencing

PS. I found that asking for the synchs in forms and poetry kept them so I could see them and put them on a table like what is on my heart and stay with them a while that I might see YOU in all things.

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