
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Real Treasure

From a post on propheciesonline,,, I am now called Dove on a branch (crying)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:27 am 

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Gold is what comes from SPIRIT
And is most valuable to whom it is given
Gold Hill
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
Don't run away from your broken heart, stay and get the gold out of it.

The GOLD (as in gold rush) in loosing your life to know the Spirit IS
That in knowing the Spirit, You are also known of the Spirit
Your Grandchildrens Grandchildren can also KNOW YOU/You. "intimately"

And to those that feel they are punished, let go of that feeling, let go and know in THIS MOMENT you are NEW! Allow your heart to break, sure as that is where the Gold IS, but DO NOT FEAR,
Know that YOU ARE VERY MUCH LOVED, even by whom you have misunderstood.
Don't be afraid of a broken heart, least of all your own, "the wailing of broken hearts is the doorway to God." (Rumi)
*Dove on a Branch
Last visit was: Fri Sep 26, 2014 4:39 pm
It is currently Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:37 am

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:57 pm 

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I think it will spike in price beyond our wildest dreams. If it truly does help with disease, I think we need to truly investigate why our ancestors and its intrinsic value has maintained throughout thousands of years. Even if we do not have the answer to our instincts, there is often an answer there between the lines. It's a bit like divine intervention, or time molding. I don't believe any amount of knowledge can overcome this fact of our universe. As much as I fight with it, I understand in the blink of an eye we could all be liberated entirely from all of our ailments, disease, and problematic thinking patterns.

PS: I didn't have the heart to throw this apple away. Is it safe to throw an old apple in the garden for the rabbit? Eh, never mind, threw it towards the garden. Either my pup will eat it or it'll become compost if the other animals don't eat it. Sorry off topic, and also, good post. :)

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:49 pm 
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Spearhead wrote:
Gold as a U.S. fiat currency basically ended in the 1970s when France decided they wanted to exchange their plant based U.S. currencies for U.S. fiat gold currency, which was set around 32 dollars an ounce at that time. Nixon refused France, and took the U.S. off the "gold standard" or fiat gold which was set by edict by the government.

When I was a kid supposedly I could trade my plant based currency at any time for metal based currency.

This is why saying China is going to a gold backed currency is laughable and ludicrous. They would have to either have enough gold to back all the plant based currency, or set the price of gold to practically nothing to cover all the plant based currency.

Right now China can't set the price of gold because gold is traded as a commodity on the NY stock exchange. The price is set by crooks.

The U.S. could make owning gold illegal again, and set the price again like they used to do, but that price would have to be extremely low to cover all the plant based currency.

Any way about it, gold as a fiat currency is a dangerous place to be, because they can make it illegal to own at any time, and gold as commodity has no real basis, as I keep pointing out.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:27 am 
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Spearhead wrote:
Gold as a U.S. fiat currency basically ended in the 1970s when France decided they wanted to exchange their plant based U.S. currencies for U.S. fiat gold currency, which was set around 32 dollars an ounce at that time. Nixon refused France, and took the U.S. off the "gold standard" or fiat gold which was set by edict by the government.

When I was a kid supposedly I could trade my plant based currency at any time for metal based currency.

This is why saying China is going to a gold backed currency is laughable and ludicrous. They would have to either have enough gold to back all the plant based currency, or set the price of gold to practically nothing to cover all the plant based currency.

Right now China can't set the price of gold because gold is traded as a commodity on the NY stock exchange. The price is set by crooks.

The U.S. could make owning gold illegal again, and set the price again like they used to do, but that price would have to be extremely low to cover all the plant based currency.

Any way about it, gold as a fiat currency is a dangerous place to be, because they can make it illegal to own at any time, and gold as commodity has no real basis, as I keep pointing out.

Read this
Over and over again

By definition there is no such thing as fiat gold.
And since there is so much paper fiat wealth, if they went back to a gold standard, gold would go way up in price, not down.

They would never get away with making gold illegal again.
The world is too small for that now.
To do that they would have to control the whole world.
In that case they would just create a new one world currency.
They will have trouble forcing people to fight their wars.
The economy will crash again, and they will not be able
to buy their way out of it by printing money.
Their solution is war.
Someone has to pay.
They need to demonize someone through the media.
Just like they did with Iraq, and now Syria.
I must admit, they're really clever.
They're bombing Syria now.
How 'fortunate' for them that isis came along.
It's the same murderers at work that brought us 911.
Our governments are corrupt at the hightest levels.
They have an agenda to rule the world.
Under the pretext that it's the only way to avoid destroying the world.
And they don't have forever.
The planners are getting old.
They've sacrificed their own people.
They have a need to finish what they've started.

Personally I don't care about gold.
It doesn't fascinate me at all.
Neither does the stock market.
I don't care about being wealthy.
I don't wish I had the latest things.
But I don't want to be a slave
supporting a corrupt system.
500,000 dead in Iraq because of rumors?
They think it's self defence.
Wipe out the cancers in the world.
That's bs.
They don't know what they're doing.
They are going to become their own enemy, literally.
What will they say when they get to heaven?
Yes Sir, we killed millions in the pursuit of freedom.
Collateral damage.
Necessary evil.
Aren't you going to pin a medal on me?
I worked for peace and justice.
And what will God say?
'Those were my children you killed'
'I told you not to kill'
'You'd have been better off killing yourself'

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Dove on a Branch
PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:48 am 
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Sharpie Wrote:
he squirms off the line from the hordes of golden villagers because they wish to cut him in half and divvy him up amongst themselves so they may analyze, play, torture, push, shove, and manipulate to prove their points rather than appreciate and learn from him and his experiences.

I have been following this thread, but I don't like to post until I have something from my life.

During my years alone with no money to speak of I noticed how those with no money bartered for this and that. It was still an economy for them but they bartered with different stuff. Walking the streets bums would trade what they had and the non money currency was things like marijuana or trinkets and even bicycle parts. I remember friends when they depleted what they had coming in they would show up with trinkets to trade that they had made or that they had collected. Now I know that certain people are moved by flashy things and probably knew that they could wear their wealth in gems or diamonds and the flashyness of the items seemed to give them more worth to some. So gold is not the ONLY wealth that was traded but also other things that could be worn. Remember the green people that wore the gold until it turned their skin green? So the value of gold has to be understood in the way some wore their wealth as we migrated. My experience taught me that a hundred thousand dollar system greatly looses value when a 14cent part goes bad in the system. So I have found that when I make a niche out of that 14cent part I can find and return large systems to a state of value among men that those that figure it would cost too much to have it fixed overlook. Sort of like the smallest of points overlooked that the SPIRIT helps to reveal. So trinkets turned into tinkering and tinkering into systems and tools. I have tinkered for weeks on the VW camper and it is running well with no money put into it, just time. I enjoy taking a stiff piece of metal rod I find and fashioning it into a clamp for the oil breather. Someone threw that rod away! Also they wanted nine dollars for cork material for the oil breather gasket so of course I improvised. The manifold tubes were hard and would not go back in the system until I boiled them in a pan until they were flexible again. There are those that look for shiny objects and those that allow the SPIRIT to work through their moments of tinkering. Spearhead, friend, You are very good with value added too as I remember! LOL Let me also point out that the way society throws things away and keeps things moving like that it is not hard at all if you first acquire a place to work from to take this and have a very nice existence, so I kind of like the excess of society, and for now I am given a chance to use it. If you get up and tinker everyday, evolving your system. You end up finding a niche that with the SPIRIT's help will free you from the system that is designed to use you. To me, this knowledge with the SPIRIT's help is Gold. :D
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,

SPIRIT sent them a lie, because of the deluding nature of scripture
Those that interpret according to the flesh are caught in a net
Those that only see SPIRIT are set free from the book/law

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:44 am 

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Oh Dove on a Branch bravo! Your words and works are true gold. I send you joy and appreciation. Keep on tinkering sweet one, YOU are priceless!

Praying for Light and Love! Giving up beliefs in war. May all be surrounded in Love and Healing.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:56 am 

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Gold might collapse. So might the herbal market. However gold is in limited supply. New herbs can be grown. Good luck growing gold. I think China and their 1.2 billion people might be on to something. They do have economists over there. They do have historians. They do have the same kinds of experts the USA< AUSTRALIA, Germany, etc... has. They do have some kind of plan. Good luck on banking against it. I am not so quick to judge them as poor deciders.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:37 pm 
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I'm not saying the world isn't filled with fools when it comes to true value, and possibly people will continue to believe gold is much more valuable than it actually is. And whether there's billions of tons or a few tons, it's practicality does not change.

I can imagine a few uses for gold, like fishing weights, using it to prevent roof leaks around the fireplace (instead of lead), and jewelry or course.

I wouldn't trade for it, but I'm sure there's plenty of people who would.

The biggest problem I see for the gold and silver hoarders after TSHTF, is trying to trade it without getting killed in the process.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:39 am 
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The more I think about gold, the more I realize that gold and murder go hand in hand.

Genghis Khan had the stomaches of villagers cut open looking for jewelry, the Spanish murdered Aztecs, Incas, etc., stealing their gold, the Nazis pried the teeth out of dead Jews for their gold, as the people in the Twin Towers were being murdered the gold was disappearing from the basement, and on and on...

Possibly China will become more demonic as it accumulates more and more gold, because gold carries the energy of murder, suffering, and death with it.

Speaking of suffering and worthless gold, there's the story of King Midas:
He couldn't touch any useful object without it losing in utility what it gained in monetary value, nor any food without it shedding all nutritional potency on its leaden way down his gullet.

King Midas also killed his daughter by touching her.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:28 pm 
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Spearhead wrote:
The more I think about gold, the more I realize that gold and murder go hand in hand.

Genghis Khan had the stomaches of villagers cut open looking for jewelry, the Spanish murdered Aztecs, Incas, etc., stealing their gold, the Nazis pried the teeth out of dead Jews for their gold, as the people in the Twin Towers were being murdered the gold was disappearing from the basement, and on and on...

Possibly China will become more demonic as it accumulates more and more gold, because gold carries the energy of murder, suffering, and death with it.

Speaking of suffering and worthless gold, there's the story of King Midas:
He couldn't touch any useful object without it losing in utility what it gained in monetary value, nor any food without it shedding all nutritional potency on its leaden way down his gullet.

King Midas also killed his daughter by touching her.

will prayer work against the gold demons?

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:17 pm 
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You've given me the giggles with your last three posts, LL.. :D

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:01 pm 
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LittleLight wrote:
Spearhead wrote:
The more I think about gold, the more I realize that gold and murder go hand in hand.

Genghis Khan had the stomaches of villagers cut open looking for jewelry, the Spanish murdered Aztecs, Incas, etc., stealing their gold, the Nazis pried the teeth out of dead Jews for their gold, as the people in the Twin Towers were being murdered the gold was disappearing from the basement, and on and on...

Possibly China will become more demonic as it accumulates more and more gold, because gold carries the energy of murder, suffering, and death with it.

Speaking of suffering and worthless gold, there's the story of King Midas:
He couldn't touch any useful object without it losing in utility what it gained in monetary value, nor any food without it shedding all nutritional potency on its leaden way down his gullet.

King Midas also killed his daughter by touching her.

will prayer work against the gold demons?

Anything to do with the IMF.

Speaking of satanic souls, the IMF, and their gold holdings, did you know the IMF values it's gold at $47 an ounce? ( ) And yet the money changers around the world change their money at the price set by Wall Street, $1215 for fiat gold at this current moment.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:27 pm 
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These videos will help you out a bit in understanding what's happening right now concerning the IMF and secret societies.

Note: The Georgia Guidestones are on public land, and they were erected on a "Skull and Bones" holiday (3/22/80). The monument calls for human population to be reduced by 6.5 million people, and this summer the date of "2014" was added to the monument.

Speaking of 2014 and the IMF, the head of the IMF gave an interesting speech concerning 2014 and the magic number 7.

It isn't too hard to put the pieces together to realize what's happening in Africa right now.

Here's a Skull and Bones video for "giggles." You'll enjoy the Beatle's music. :D

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:54 am 
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I just remembered something, a few lifetimes ago I was buried alive in a gold mine cave-in, and died in a terrible way. That probably gives me a very strong bias against gold in general. :lol:

I visited the area where I died in that lifetime (Bodie), and went into a few old mines to help get rid of the phobia of being buried alive.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:35 pm 
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do we change?

it is our only hope.

the hope that we change in a positive direction.

it is my hope that since the universe is a loving place that we will learn to be loving people.

we fear death too much.

death should not be feared.

it is only an ending to a script.

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Dove on a Branch
PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:30 am 
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GrayLady wrote:
Oh Dove on a Branch bravo! Your words and works are true gold. I send you joy and appreciation. Keep on tinkering sweet one, YOU are priceless!

Been on the road but really appreciate you Graylady

Gold is changing to pearls
Tennessee Pearls on American Heartland right now.
A pearl starts with an pain
Was love the pain that started all this?
Was it the cause that drew your first kiss/SPIRIT?

SPIRIT sent them a lie, because of the deluding nature of scripture
Those that interpret according to the flesh are caught in a net
Those that only see SPIRIT are set free from the book/law

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Dove on a Branch
PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:53 pm 
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Click below, quote from the post
The power to reach You, Finding True Treasure

Before leaving for Pensacola via New Orleans I fantasized about communicating with my father as we walked on the beach.
I remembered all the synchronicities I had had over the years about how they would know the true intent of my heart and experience communication via the spirit even without the use of words as I had found was possible. I saw in my synchs concerning this mutual communication and understanding that the events that happen as we walked together would be in sink with the spirit and communication that we shared. As Pam and I had synchs and were speaking of fragments that fit together and contain the whole picture such as the article I wrote concerning “the Leaf” on The we then heard on AM coast to coast about the old text fragments that bring to light such things as were lost. . As we spoke I told Pam that I felt that my father would speak of this subject and sure enough as we were driving in the car my father indeed began to speak on the subject and I said to him that I had written down in my book that he would bring up this subject so we stopped the car and I got my notebook and looked up where I had written this.DNA, sentence, fragments, cells/multiple, redundant, copies, lends to a rebuild, resurrection, am coast to coast, old text, reboot, the leaf and the photo magnetism, the forest and the one cell/seed.

So as we walked I began to speak again to my father about my intentions that synchronicity harmonize what we experience in our beach walk with what we have synchronistic conversation about and then I began to speak of the metal detector as an extension of ourselves. And how we posses systems within our bodies that very much like our sense of smell which is the most powerful memory inducer that we had systems that could tell that things are in our reality or vicinity without seeing them. And that with proper intentions we could program ourselves to be that sensitive. The number of synchronous experiences with my father during this visit were very abundant on this trip and as my intention to be understood by loved ones as I had dreamed for years was happening all around me both with parents and my children. We also spoke of “looking for my life” in the form of synchronicities with objects and words and that such experiences when motivated by “true intent of heart” leads to a treasure of moments with spirit.

Writings coming soon:
The scarecrow and the cross, the fear of death, and the fearful are caught in a net.

Getting my feet wet, story of my experience in New Orleans before going to see my father. I slept like a vagrant “under a house”as many do there (in New Orleans) as tornadoes were in the area and a storm passed through (pouring rain)

Spongebob contemplates his origins while looking out at the sea.

My dad had his near death experience on Christmas 2007 He lived 2 more years
Raine's Mom had hers on Thanksgiving 2011 Still Living
My Mom Was rushed to the hospital the day before her birthday Sept 2014
Each story is related to Reaching You

Walking humming the song ,,, dreaming about Peace
Got called by two in my family
Spontaniously three of us in the family had experiences separately with

The Peace that Surpasses all understanding

The Peace that surpasses all argument/discord/knowledge/misunderstanding

Because YOU are all and in all you are in that song I just heard

No longer do we see anyone according to the flesh

Thanks be to the SPIRIT which works through us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SPIRIT sent them a lie, because of the deluding nature of scripture
Those that interpret according to the flesh are caught in a net
Those that only see SPIRIT are set free from the book/law

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