Thursday, March 30, 2017

Brisk, Storm, Coming!

A very powerful experience that happened wandering home from town today. We stopped by a river rock area and I felt the energy as soon as I stepped out of the car. And like such powerful experiences it was full of synchs that related to the ENERGY that the moment presented.
First here is the video of the experience
Three things were present 
Brisk, Rapid, Dead horse

This led me to feel over the years of my experience with SPIRIT and what came to mind was the following post
If you right click on this page you will realize that this was posted again as early as Aug 28th 2004, Aug 26th is the most powerful day in my reality. Not only was it the date of Katrina and Irene but also it was the date my father passed.   http://www.stephentree.com/whirlwind.htm

I posted this on a page when Pam and I found this tape by D'elle for $1 Posted on 1/10/2005 just 8 months before Katrina (Page originally posted in 2003)

Hurricane      by D’elle

Watching  clouds go by see the red-tail fly
Water kissin the shore
Life is fine, it’s true nothin’ much to do
You’re not lookin’ for more

Then from the south comes a wind so strong
Stirs the water so deep
Passion calls and the waters part
You know you’ve been asleep
Out of the blue comes a hurricane
Blowin’ away with your heart….

When the storm begins never mind who wins
It doesn’t matter somehow
Let go of yesterday and all your future ways
All you got is now

Then the moment comes you hear the distant drums
Pounding deep in your soul
You wake up to find a fire in your mind
Burnin’ out of control
What made me feel this page was not the song Hurricane but the writing on my table from 1993
: I feel a huge wave come and sweep me off my feet as a knight lifts a princess and takes her to her dream. Again, I see as the spirit coming with white raiment to clothe me.

” Come on big wave Rapture!!!Speedy resurrection o glory

Huge! Reordering wave,, come rescue me I treasure your love... When you really really need it the most is when Rock and Roll dreams come true. ____________________________________________________________ Glorify the tree with YOUR fruit what is meant to be finds a way you can’t call it life standing outside the fire I am a tube,, spewing fire I feel lucky today
You can listen to the song from the tape on youtube
We are one

The other songs on that tape also feel like they are related to You and I and what is to beginning
We are one
Over the Edge

While driving to this river rock site we were listening to NPR and they were talking about this present time of darkness and how

There's the way that light shows in darkness and it is extremely beautiful.   NPR today
Speaking of “the powerful magic that comes in dangerous times."
Another quote from the NPR program
Everyone is someone else's monster
Meaning like every being is like another being's monster

The Dead Horse part of the synch we stayed upwind from it as the dream meaning of dead horse is
Dead Horse – A dead horse in your dreams can be the death of the strength you once found someone’s friendship or a situation gave you. This may be the end of a relationship, friendship, career, (family) or situation. Have you heard the saying ‘flogging a dead horse’? It may be time to give up on someone or something that is no longer useful for the function or situation intended.

These words match my post and my intention to let go after 20 years of trying to reach You, internet forums, family that has no fruit and put my energies toward those relationships that are showing fruit which there are many. I have been saying this for a while and now the SPIRIT is going to make it happen. Wash away my sorrow!

Thinking about the Aug 28th 2004 and how many things have been experienced with SPIRIT over the years and I likened these things to the seeds of the sower(being SPIRIT) that fell on good ground and how they grew!! Again the kingdom of heaven is like the smallest of seeds that when planted grew into the largest of trees.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Letter sent to news agencies

You don't understand, you will also be humiliated when the American people find out you did not report these things
The Storms, the stock market, the meltdown, Donald Trump, the GOP humiliation,,, they were all predicted and the predictions reveal the smallest of points overlooked by EVERYONE!
See below for links to the rest, you need to study the timeline since 1993 to see what is really happening
Don't get caught as the next prediction will be the news agencies.
--------- Original Message ---------
Subject: FWD: Everything that is happening was predicted/new tool for liberals
From: steven@stephentree.com
Date: 3/17/17 1:17 pm
To: 60m@cbsnews.com, evening@cbsnews.com, desk@cbs2ny.com, nightly@nbc.com, voicers@nydailynews.com, USinfo@theguardian.com, scoop@huffingtonpost.com, letters@nypost.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@newsweek.com, letters@time.com, wsj.ltrs@wsj.com, letters@washpost.com

As improbable as it may seem, there is a group of predictions that have been right on that need to be seen for what they can do for the American Left. Not only did these predictions predict Katrina to be the largest hurricane a month before it arrived but also predicted hurricane Irene to be the only storm of the summer of 2011 but also that it would arrive on the death date of the messenger’s father and it was predicted on May 21st 2011! The predictions went on to predict the 2008 stock market crash exactly to the day two years before it happened. The Meltdown one year before it happened. The LA train crash that would occur coming out of a tunnel 13 days before it happened but also numerous landslides and other predictions. But also the predictions about Trump and leaders lead astray and the GOP humiliation that is coming. There are hundreds of other synchs/predictions based on the idea of synchronicity (phenomenon spoken of by Carl Jung) which also WILL become reality. I am writing to you because of your position related to the freedom that is being tampered with by the present Whitehorse administration.

This letter and the links to all the predictions will be posted on http://dnatree.blogspot.com/2017/03/synchs.html
You will also be able to see what others said when each were predicted and when each then became reality. The idea of human presumption is very much a part of the synchs. Please do not dismiss this as there is growing evidence of what happens to those that do intentionally misunderstand or dismiss this message by life itself. Your friend and American Paul Steven Spence (DNATREE)

There are those that want to cover up and manipulate to make sure others do not see these predictions. So after Katrina and then again after Irene websites where these were originally posted were closed by those fleeing humiliation and hating the messenger. But if you google dnatree + keywords you will be able to find the synchs if the links have been broken as most of them were saved and posted on stephentree.com
New since last email

Monday, March 27, 2017

A Great Message of Hope

A Great Message of Hope for those who follow SPIRIT

We have laid off the forums as those blocking the way of SPIRIT won't get the message and interferes with the good news of the SPIRIT flowing. But we appreciate the forum for it's recording of the interaction which led to their predictions. We could create such a better situation for those on the forum if they could work with the SPIRIT to get a positive outcome but their ideologies get in the way and become a stumbling block. Which is part of the message here. From now on Trump, Bannon and those like Hannity since they believe ideology is much greater than facts which may be true if you allow SPIRIT to give you your life but since they don't it is time that their ideology will now become a stumbling block since they love their interpretations more than they love those they serve. So no thanks to those blocking but a message of great hope is forming that we have diverted from what could have been total desolation and there is a growing hope.
It will be amazing to see how the SPIRIT takes this seemingly bad thing of Trump becoming president and uses it to do what could never be done by saying so much about all who are being brought under the hat.

The Great Turning Or The Great Unraveling

One of my synchs about the ideology that will become a stumbling block also is revealed in this edition of the New Dimensions radio. The storm in our country which has been predicted and the shame and blame is growing but also all who have been drawn under the hat of this administration will also have their true intentions of heart revealed together as their ideology of MONEY and POWER begins to become their worst enemy.
This relates to who is first in ideology will be last in the SPIRIT

Rock Island State Park

Pam and I had a wonderful time at Rock Island State Park. (I wonder as I wander, playing on Pandora as I write this) I always find myself speaking to the heart of things, like the time I was in Boulder Creek standing at the creek and feeling that these huge boulders had something to do with he name of the town though I had not known the name of the town. In the same manner I sat down on a rock with Pam and the dog and looked at the spectacle of the falls across the river. The idea of hearing SPIRIT through synchronicity and the growing seed where you hear it through the noise all around you as the sound of the rush of many waters.
We noticed that the same phenomenon where we find ourselves speaking to the heart of things was happening right there.
We also found this waterfall with Three flows that was formed from Rock to look like a tree.

Don't follow Dems or Repubs but follow the SPIRIT

Shadow Synch

I was wondering about why no one on the forums responds to the SPIRIT very much while so many come to us in person and we have great spiritual synchronicity with them. I asked of my life and the synch came in an old verse that the SPIRIT worded this way.

Surely the arm of the SPIRIT is not too short to reach them!

So this led to Isaiah 59 which reveals that because of all the lying, manipulating and love for the ideologies that they cannot hear the SPIRIT and at the moment I read shadows the word shadows also came on the program Heart of the wild New Dimensions Radio. But then Chapter 60 reveals what the synchs have said about Americans lifting up the light and how once again all the nations will come to us. This is a message of great hope.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Follow this to much much more...

Follow this to much much more...

Earthquake Leaders lead astray, GOP humiliation
This was predicted a long time ago, the manipulation and the bare faced lying
Prediction of this presidency and Using the law in a manner it was not intended
Jan 2016 prediction of this presidency
Much More

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Growing Fire

When YOU are somebody's HOME, YOU can't turn them away
Finding HOME

Now abides Faith, Hope, and Love 
All else will be done away with, including our interpretations of Religion

It is time to join together and celebrate what the SPIRIT will do to deliver us from the fire , for even those who supported this administration will be drawn into the fire, and those on the other side too who love their interpretation instead of SPIRIT more than they love each other will also be thrown into this growing fire. And there is no escape without the SPIRIT. There are those that can be met everyday along the coast of California that both of these groups of self-right would believe were crazy,,,, yet they are guided by SPIRIT and these are greater than all that think themselves first.

google dnatree fire

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday March 19th 2017

Had a synch with MIB ( Men_in_Black_3) last night. The night before I had this strange headache which I have not had a headache for many years but I felt that night that it was something happening across time. So last night we decided to have fun by watching MIB III and it was about the headache and chocolate milk and across time. It also had the “gotta have pie” synch also which was very much one of my own ways of jolting into joy. LOL So don't hand me anything less than PIE as the SPIRIT is above anything that is not joy.

It also had very much the synchs with time and particle physics (Mairin's synchs) which led me to think about someone on this board glad to see you posted again this morning.

Quote from MIB

A Miracle is something that is impossible
But happens anyway

The SPIRIT through my experience is always ready to receive you back and give it another chance if there is a hint of true intent, just because I do not post a reply does not mean I don't see you I just wait on the SPIRIT and if I don't get the words I don't reply. So, who is Shelley anyway? We need to discontinue the 20yrs of manipulating traps especially the woman as I have the posts from 20yrs that show one manipulation after another. I think it is that way that we come to trust one who loves you of the opposite sex but both sexes are hesitant because of the layers of games that have evolved.  Everyone can be ruined by presumption but what is now at stake is desolation as the synchs have made it clear. You too can start over and begin to lift up the SPIRIT and reach others with this message. Where is your love for each other, when you try to prove the SPIRIT wrong you only end up revealing your own heart as has been shown over and over.  You don't want to be the one caught by SPIRIT in the end because you love your interpretation more than you love others. You want to be part of spreading something because "YOU are able SPIRIT".  Every single person can be destroyed by appearances and the gossip of Americans that are trying to cover their own pain so if you have an issue work it out with GOD if you have the humility towards life that it takes.

Mib quote
It’s like with anything—you have to strap yourself in and hope for the best.”

Both sides are going to need atonement (Through the SPIRIT) as there are none right and this is what the SPIRIT is about revealing the heart so that we let go of the veil of interpretation separating us. Were going to let the SPIRIT do this. 

Then there is those hiding behind a veil of interpretation just like what happened with Trump and Fox news they call you fake and the SPIRIT reveals they are and that they are hiding behind their veil of interpretation and bull such as from Hannity, Limbaugh, and foxy tricks/news. That is what the coming/present fire is revealing.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

If it all goes wrong Baby,,, Just hold ON!

If it all goes wrong Baby
    Just Hold On!

Tomorrow is Overrated 

Walk right through the Storm
Such a  funny Tequila Commercial

Friday, March 17, 2017

You cannot get good fruit from a thorn bush

You cannot get good fruit from a thorn bush

Been having this synch about the energy that created each aspect of this presidency and how it is all to go horribly wrong. The reason being the energy into which each aspect of this presidency was created. Starting with the anger, the hate and of course the lie that so many wanted to believe though they know it is not true. They hated so much that they made an agreement as a group.(Spiritual group energy)... well more on that later. Been walking around watching the German chancellor and Trump and realizing that she really thinks he does not have a clue but cannot say it.😏 Rather embarrassing when Trump said to blame Fox News as it turns out his favorite news agency embarrassed him because he used their lie when it was really meant for the gop base ,,, kinda what I am expecting with this synch with everything else going wrong and of course he will blame the other guy.😉 But then as I am thinking about this on the roku news we were watching the late night videos and then the Fallon clip about the guys in the play where everything goes wrong and wow that is what the synch is. Of course this is all part of the synch with the GOP Humiliation and the smart/pride and how they have totally overlooked the smallest of points which is the SPIRIT.

 There is a great story coming to show the world the Smallest of Points overlooked which IS the SPIRIT. June 2011


As improbable as it may seem, there is a group of predictions that have been right on that need to be seen for what they can do for the American Left. Not only did these predictions predict Katrina to be the largest hurricane a month before it arrived but also predicted hurricane Irene to be the only storm of the summer of 2011 but also that it would arrive on the death date of the messenger’s father and it was predicted on May 21st 2011! The predictions went on to predict the 2008 stock market crash exactly to the day two years before it happened. The Meltdown one year before it happened. The LA train crash that would occur coming out of a tunnel 13 days before it happened but also numerous landslides and other predictions. But also the predictions about Trump and leaders lead astray and the GOP humiliation that is coming. There are hundreds of other synchs/predictions based on the idea of synchronicity (phenomenon spoken of by Carl Jung) which also WILL become reality. I am writing to you because of your position related to the freedom that is being tampered with by the present Whitehorse administration.

This letter and the links to all the predictions will be posted on http://dnatree.blogspot.com/2017/03/synchs.html
You will also be able to see what others said when each were predicted and when each then became reality. The idea of human presumption is very much a part of the synchs. Please do not dismiss this as there is growing evidence of what happens to those that do intentionally misunderstand or dismiss this message by life itself. Your friend and American Paul Steven Spence (DNATREE)

There are those that want to cover up and manipulate to make sure others do not see these predictions. So after Katrina and then again after Irene websites where these were originally posted were closed by those fleeing humiliation and hating the messenger. But if you google dnatree + keywords you will be able to find the synchs if the links have been broken as most of them were saved and posted on stephentree.com


As improbable as it may seem, there is a group of predictions that have been right on that need to be seen for what they can do for the American Left. Not only did these predictions predict Katrina to be the largest hurricane a month before it arrived but also predicted hurricane Irene to be the only storm of the summer of 2011 but also that it would arrive on the death date of the messenger’s father and it was predicted on May 21st 2011! The predictions went on to predict the 2008 stock market crash exactly to the day two years before it happened. The Meltdown one year before it happened. The LA train crash that would occur coming out of a tunnel 13 days before it happened but also numerous landslides and other predictions. But also the predictions about Trump and leaders lead astray and the GOP humiliation that is coming. There are hundreds of other synchs/predictions based on the idea of synchronicity (phenomenon spoken of by Carl Jung) which also WILL become reality. I am writing to you because of your position related to the freedom that is being tampered with by the present Whitehorse administration.

This letter and the links to all the predictions will be posted on http://dnatree.blogspot.com/2017/03/synchronicities-of-growing-dnatree.html
You will also be able to see what others said when each were predicted and when each then became reality. The idea of human presumption is very much a part of the synchs. Please do not dismiss this as there is growning evidence of what happens to those that do intentionally misunderstand or dismiss this message by life itself. Your friend and American Paul Steven Spence (DNATREE)

There are those that want to cover up and manipulate to make sure others do not see these predictions. So after Katrina and then again after Irene websites where these were originally posted were closed by those fleeing humiliation and hating the messenger. But if you google dnatree + keywords you will be able to find the synchs if the links have been broken as most of them were saved and posted on stephentree.com

The Tree and it's branches revisited

So we often seek to listen to something that feels right in the evening sanctuary time and last night we chose New Dimensions latest program on our roku " Understanding Everything" With Errin Laszlo

Liberal Sent to Auswitz
Another quote that hints at the synch I was having before listening to the program

You don't see a tree, you see a thing that is becoming a tree 

I began to see the energy and boughs of the synchronous tree that has been taking form and the poem

Dnatree quote
Like a tree, I gradually took on this form
Like a empty canvas the painter waits for SPIRIT to move
Dabbing where SPIRIT moved until the painting took form
I had no idea!
Spiritual Liberal

A parable is something the enemy will propagate but will misunderstand, but the seeker of the SPIRIT will recognize.

How does one see it and the other misunderstand?

The SPIRITUAL man becomes like a seed of a tree growing, and as it grows learns things that cannot be spoken. So that when he hears the parable he recognizes what no one else can see. So that the experiences of another perhaps thousands of years ago come to new light.

Now the customer of this information/tree is becoming the least as seen through the eyes of all those who presume

The Submit synch begins

Wonderful beings are operating in completely different ways but they still are part of this organism. (Listen to program and understand the synch)

I have been listening to this New Dimensions program and writing this from the Tree's perspective (Dnatree) and as I am experiencing it the program begins saying the same thing about the TREE. (Eternal Tree)

This Tree will grow to reach you

As can be seen by anyone who looks at the synchs they are predictions that have and are and will come true
to study the tree of synchs
 you would begin to perceive the SPIRIT for yourself. Seeing through the boughs or rivers of experience seeing as the SPIRIT sees. Don't seek to manipulate and hate as you will destroy yourself.

I still do not understand why I ended up in Tennessee and why I am led to pick up sticks each day. I have found that by cleaning the yard of dead branches, fallen trees and sticks I have everything to keep warm.

The Submit Synch is coming   OOOOOOOOHHHHH,,, WH
The Predictions for Trump, Bannon, Sessions and the GOP in General are as compassionate as they are, and will be in accordance to what they say in their heart for those they hate.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

I am lost

I am Sorry!
I know you don't know what your doing either
But through the tears of coming to know MY LIFE
I found that there is ONE that knows

Yes, I don't know what I am doing
But there exists ONE that knows
And by seeing ONLY YOU/SPIRIT
Whatsoever I do WORKS

In order to say what I needed to say at this moment I needed to experience something
On ebay I felt so used and manipulated as is prominent at this time in reality and politics,
It brought back the pain of and hurt that both YOU and I experience when we think of what we suffered.
But I realize that it is perfect

For some reason I was not prepared for what was to happen
Like the theif that came at an hour I did not know I was not ready
And I was already shook up by what has been happening and all the fears
My Pam!
She is Afraid of what is happening in this country

And here I was asking
Because I don't know what to do

I have been saying that because the SPIRIT always rescued me
But I needed to say this part of the process of getting to know YOU/SPIRIT/(As through Jesus)
For as He agonised in the garden so we too suffer with him in order to let go and let the SPIRIT work through us.

This is what I wanted to share with YOU

I am Lost yet I am found

Learning how not to presume and let the SPIRIT work through me required walking to the edge.
Search dnatree plus words such as Edge, agony, manipulation etc to understand how this tree took form.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Desolation synch and Bill Clinton's Warning


The former president said the “us vs. them” mentality is “taking us to the edge of our destruction.”

When the SPIRIT spoke foretelling this time, this seemed a long way off

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Everything is exactly on schedule for desolation (Americans Rejected SPIRIT)


Just take note as the storm is coming as in Syria, it will spread to all who love their interpretation.
A long time ago I wrote that when the "right people" on the right and the "right people" on the left begin to fight over who is right that it would "melt the veil" separating the two and leave those just hiding behind an interpretation with nowhere left to hide.
The storm that is coming will speak what words cannot say. Now there is a prediction for You. As in the last post see what it feels like when there is nowhere to hide from the heat of the sun. (syrian war refugees pbs) As I showed Pam the children waiting for bread in this film the toaster blew out the toast and it went flying. The storm is coming of shame and blame between YOU and I, us and them, east and west, islam and christian, husband and wife. Without the SPIRIT all will be torn and reached to the heart as in this film. The SPIRIT will reach those that remain to the heart and leaders will be hated because they speak without the SPIRIT.


seeing that desolation is assured the Spirit indicated that this was exactly what was expected and that now that it is assured that I am to also know that the desolation caused by the abomination of interpretation that is the deluding influence without the Spirit is now to be encouraged so that desolation is complete and that beast shall never rise.

 Anger synch growing and the Hulk  Nov 10th 2008

This does not effect us on this forum. (well it didn't.. edited in)This is an ongoing synch with anger that is building and that it will come out in a way that will spark something big. I want You to look at this HOT subject like the Spirit has me look at it. As a spark to REACH YOU, and the Poem about the 
Coming Fire so hot it will melt the veil separating You and I on this planet and leave those hiding behind religion with nowhere left to hide. http://www.stephentree.com/predict1.htm Originally posted in 2003 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Something Seemingly Rash

Reply #858 on: Today at 09:22:50 AM »
something seemingly rash
Just my thoughts last night, waiting for more precise synchs
Move along nothing to see here, continue to ignore SPIRIT until....

The scenario is that "he" is easily played in that he will respond with greater intimidation to those enemies that challenge him. This very much pleases his constituents but in a second era after his recovery this leads to a rash moment related to the codes.

Your fortune is not your doing but you are being used to reach humans by the SPIRIT as in

It was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.

And (since/if they cannot be reached) then desolation is to occur in a rash moment.

At this point it is assured.

A program which explains this rash moment is as the devastation of Pompeii

A dog's senses can really save lives when all other possibilities have been exhausted

My dog is bugging me right now though.

hint=Attention given to anything is worship

The whole world followed after him.
The smallest of points overlooked can change the entire equation for an individual from the seemingly end predicted by interpretation which damns all to a hell. It will be according to what you believe for yourself and others.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Manipulating the Law, Lying, Using the law in a manner it is not intended

Manipulating the Law, Lying, Using the law in a manner it is not intended

on: September 27, 2016, 07:30:35 AM »
Manipulating the Law, Lying, Using the law in a manner it is not intended

If anyone has kept up with the synchs about Using the law in a manner it is not intended such as the true meaning of the Bankruptcy law and Donald Trump. And the Bald Faced lying to public officials. These are what will lead to a great and powerful humiliation for this country. And this is what I would like to discuss in this thread.

Using the law in a manner it is not intended

Bald Faced lying to public officials

They will follow a lie and a liar and love a lie more than the truth

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
 Reply #1 on: February 04, 2017, 12:19:25 PM »
These are the times of trouble predicted on this site, for love has waxed cold and they will Lie in wait to snare others by using the law in a manner not intended.

There are those in the top levels of what is presently called the Administration  that  love their interpretation more than they love you and will be laying in wait to set liberals up on every turn such as what's happening in Berkeley they will use the law in a manner not intended because of their hate. The Republicans in charge are like a woman whose intention is to take what a man has when she had completed setting up her intent she began looking for a way to make a domestic violence issue that she could use against him. It does not matter this is a man would not touch a woman because what she has planned uses public opinion against him. Like a person who stands in the doorway waiting for someone who needs to pass through the doorway and waiting for them to touch them so that they can call it domestic violence. Or sending in their henchmen to appear as though they are liberals doing the fighting.

Some people use the law as a way to entrap their foes such as the woman who though she knew her lover would not hurt her ever wanted to make a situation where she could use the domestic violence law in order to gain control in courts. Or the man that marries into a family using the law to steal the family's inheritance. Watch how this will be done by unscrupulous leaders in the near future. And do not fight them as that is exactly what they are planning. Rather LEAVE like David did when Potiphar’s wife tried to trap him.
eply #2 on: February 04, 2017, 05:27:35 PM »
These are the times of trouble predicted on this site, for love has waxed cold and they will Lie in wait to snare others by using the law in a manner not intended.

Some people use the law as a way to entrap their foes such as the woman who though she knew her lover would not hurt her ever wanted to make a situation where she could use the domestic violence law in order to gain control in courts.

My eldest son returned home recently citing a break in his relationship. He is a new father himself but it was done by deception. She did not tell him that she had stopped her contraception, nonetheless he loves his boy with all his heart.

I watched as she lured him into her clutches, even going so far as to lose weight, dress provocatively and send her own children away so that there was no hinderance to the trap. Then she worked him to the bone, in every way from child care to renovate the whole house and gardens and all along complaining that he was too slow or did not get it right. Then as soon as all the work was complete she kicked him out by involving the authorities and the very domestic violence order that you spoke of, while there is no evidence of violence on his part.

I found him this morning curled up sobbing profusely over his excommunication with his 2yo son. He is a broken man, broken by a woman who has broken two others in the past and continues her evil on our own family. She has organised teenagers to look after the grandson while she persues a career and another sucker to use and destroy.

I am not judgemental as there is only One Judge, I am simply relaying the tests we are being put up against with a hint of malice to show my discontent. Please forgive my speaking out of turn and know that my prayers are directed toward her, as there is always a light that shines in the darkness.
Reply #3 on: Today at 07:35:30 AM »
Wow,, so this synch is coming to a head in this Yahoo post

Shaub's letter referred to the incident as a "misuse of position."

This morning I noticed Yahoo news fearuring the Misuse of Power by Kellyanne Conway in the Ivanka situation and how the WH disregarded it.

I just wanted to say that this theme has been a big one in the synchs about using authority in a manner not intended. Here is a post from Oroborus about it because it is being so prevalent in this administration.

Wed Nov 12, 2008
I woke up last night with this dream that a person was being treated bad by someone in authority and when "my brother" went in to help, he too was treated badly and the person in authority used his authority in an unintended manner because of their hate.
http://dnatree.blogspot.com/2016_03_01_archive.htmlThis is the family experience with what the synch said was coming to this country
Update on my family's lawless beast that uses the law in a manner not intended.