Attempted Assassination Thwarted but not reported (This may be a future event or may be past, waiting for synch)
Related We don't need a king or a leader
Leader that intentionally alienates over half the country is asking to fail and an ever growing war across the globe because of his alienation and strongman tactics is growing to the point of wars and rumors of wars. Kaboom
Orange uses Power and Money, Lies and manipulation instead of the SPIRIT to seem like he is all powerful. But what is happening is not what you think, it is to expose what is being used by big money as to why nothing real can ever come to light. It is synergistic and all of what is happening will grow into what those trying to create make themselves right and own end times through their own power will actually create something they that makes them last and those they are trying to manipulate first. The SPIRIT that is GOD is not mocked, but is actually going to use their feeble manipulations to turn the tables on them.
So having this Kaboom synch again related to Febuary
Lot of people in pain, sometimes bad things happen just to put them out of misery and let them start over.
Sometimes those in pain need to be jolted in order to release that pain and see how wonderful life is if you let go of what you don't need. YOUR ATTENTION TO ORANGE SHIT keeps it in your pie.
SPIRIT come and JOLT those last into joy, let them laugh at the orange clown because that will do more to end it that anything.
Laughing at the Orange Manipulating Clown whose whole intent is power and money because we know what the SPIRIT will do. All the predictions that have come true and the ones that will come true reveal that no one has won anything but everyone WILL BE REACHED TO THE HEART THAT REMAINS. Don't fight them, laugh and allow the SPIRIT, because everything good was created up in JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laugh at all of them that accuse and use the law in a manner it was not intended.
I have been doing this since 1993 and what is happening now was if what was done before could not reach you but all who are not reached will not go on after what is happening now, nor their children.
Don"t let your presumptions destroy your line.
This has nothing to do with your presumptions about me, but that you are reached by the SPIRIT and are then led by SPIRIT and not by interpretations of men. First Orange Event synch
Manipulators behind the scenes begin to reveal themselves. Let your right hand condemn you.
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