
Saturday, March 14, 2020

The predicted Orange Event and CoronaVirus

So that synch with Orange is Coming was Trump and now the Orange Event feels exactly like this.

The SPIRIT gave me all this as far back as 2006 and I want you to know that all Americans Chose this.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Horn, Orange Event synch

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Predicted Orange Event and "both sides" synch

Original Orange Event posts
Change the word Asylum on this site to prophecies as the website did not like that word so the they changed it in everyone's posts.
If you are reached to the heart then the song by Nat King Cole makes more sense

A powerful EVENT is immanent and related to the summer events storms etc. (presumption of humans) of the past few years that lead into powerful economic disturbances in September. All of what we have shared was to reach folks concerning these events so that the transition from mental interpretation to trust in SPIRIT could occur.

What "You" have drawn to yourself because you love interpretations and hate SPIRIT
You have chosen this

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