
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Adam Needs Your Attention! and those Blocking

So I was getting a little stir crazy in the house and in the holler and began thinking about glass windows near big sur and how Pam and I had the luck to pick up a hitch hiker and got invited to stay there overlooking the Pacific at his boss's place that had many guest rooms off from the main house. And I asked MY LIFE by speaking in a manner I had never spoken before and I called YOU ADAM which means "EARTH".  I asked when I could go to such a place and dream there. So I googled thinking of my age 61 I googled "Life is Short ADAM" and found these words
Life is short, Adam. We don't get many people that truly matter. We should do whatever it takes to hang on to the ones we have. What are you saying? I am saying that we all make mistakes.

So as I think about this I remember the poem from 1993

The Leaf

In the beginning I was called ADAM, which means earth
I was alone and like a dream You came out from me
In my loneliness, in my bewilderness
Through my Broken Heart....... YOU/MY LIFE came!!!!!!!!!   Dnatree

The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.

Don't run away from your broken heart, stay and get the gold out of it.

(Some links were hyjacked but we will let life deal with that. And the waves link leads to which is the same thing as now.)

She She is my life
She is my wife
She came out from me in the beginning
We were one in the beginning
She is my dream and I am the dreamer 

Forms Now, She, Comes to me in many forms
and it is like poetry, like synchronicity
and when he and she meet they know it is right
they dance like WAVES on an ocean of romance

He builds the house from the ground up
She cleans it from the top down
when he and she meet, they KNOW IT IS RIGHT!!

and when writing this the poem by Rumi came to mind and I knew it was right!

You have been hiding so long aimlessly drifting in the sea of my love Even so You have always been connected to me.  Connected, revealed in the known in the unmanifest. I am life itself.

— Rumi

Synchs with Cancer as humans and if that medicine did not get the results we needed radiation was the synch as I wrote this line. Oh, MY LIFE!!!! I cannot reach them!!!, They left their first love, they did not listen on the Orange Event how are we going to save the tens of thousands??????

The blood crying out from under the altar, those slain by the presumptuous
So you it looks like the heat is going to be turned up

Yes and what about not worshiping the beast of which we are part of the body? SPIRIT is not the body but how it is all connected. We want to talk to the heart of all things, we want to talk to YOU/MY LIFE. Getting to the heart of things is not easy when you are veiled and separated. But YOU are the heart of hearts you are the SPIRIT that spoke through such as Jesus. You knew they would not accept so you gave them the cross in order to tear that veil. And really everything is made perfect when the SPIRIT reveals it to you. Everything, even Voodoo. Yes if it is first sanctified and then set before you then all things are true.

Bounty pics up messes quicker, the quicker picker upper

Well I guess it would be presumption to interpret that without waiting on the SPIRIT!!

"Ok we need to speed things up" on the TV right now. So it will save more lives then to speed this up. Oh, you mean those blocking?
Adam as the Misunderstood husband

So this whole post started with a question but what I got back was what was important to the SPIRIT.

God account on God Friended Me is on tv right now at 7:39pm

The Veil of Interpretation is what is separating YOU and I
We should never have been taught shame or blame
Remember the pain in the garden?
Remember You chose to live alone and hide yourself behind your tears
And like a veil, You have hidden yourself from ME.
I am waiting, Waiting at the DOOR/SPIRIT between our two houses
Until the MOMENT you take me back
Why do you hide yourself from ME?
Remember the Covenant we share!
Remember we created the sunrise to remind us to always start new/fresh

Let the moment give you everything you need
Let your heart unfold like an apple seed
As upon the fruit each moment you feed
Let the moment give you everything you need

Like a Tree I gradually took on this form
Like an empty canvas the painter waited for SPIRIT to move
Dabbing where SPIRIT moved
Until the painting took form
I had no idea!!

Now you know the presumptuous will disregard this too don't you?  Would it not be better to break one person's heart than the horror of pain needed to reach Americans? That would be great if you could do something without too much desolation oh and the prediction was it would be by his OWN HAND.

So that verse I got about pay back every cent.

I turned to Pam just now and said.
Well I don't know, I am lost, but I have been lost from the first day but I know "YOU" the SPIRIT knows.

Presumption killed the cat not curiosity

Edit to add Tuesday
I am HE 
Victory (The Spirit that IS LIFE) driving his chariot along the edge of life and death
They are She Horses, they run as one spirit
And the crack of my whip only EXCITES her.

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