Sunday, October 07, 2007

Two I love are against each other

Two loved ones of mine are against each other. A mother and her daughter. One believes "she is right" and the other has done all manner of things against what the other believes is right, but the mother in her own rightness and per her own intentions has judged the daughter. "If You do it to her You have done it to me" because I too have done everything but the "intention of the heart" was not as was judged, and the pressure of that self rightness was a factor driving the daughter to experience these things for herself. Let go of that veil of "what is right" and see her fresh giving passion only to that which You love in Your daughter that You might both start new.

Rightness that is not from the Spirit but rather from interpretation is a veil.
Being right appears to those that have experience at life as being blindand therefore they do not respect them. For the Spirit is not about "who is right" but about joining those separated by misunderstanding. When we have a misunderstanding both that stay and fight are equally mistaken and must look within themselves to see why they have drawn this misunderstanding into their lives.

Veil Poem

Like the Indians that could not see Columbus's ships because such as "ships" were not yet in their belief system, so it is with those that believe they are right. Their cup appears full and complete and there is not room for the truth.


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