Here is the evidence of those HIDING, that they worship the beast/creature/person Jesus but deny the SPIRIT
Like in the garden when they would not listen to the SPIRIT but demanded an interpretation and so the SPIRIT spoke saying what would happen because of the attention being away from SPIRIT. Likewise now they could not be reached. (DNATREE)
To the woman he said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." "Because you listened to your wife (instead of SPIRIT) and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat from it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.Jesus after the humiliation of trying to reach them with SPIRIT that he spoke of, he then went on this new passion play where he got the message through of listening to SPIRIT but also said that those that remain in interpretation would kill you and bann You from their assemblies because they hate the SPIRIT. That those of the SPIRIT would be hated also and killed as Jesus also had been treated. He told them if You want the truth go to the SPIRIT and then went on to speak of love and those things that are the appearance of being good as the presumptuous demanded, and a commitment to Loving GOD that would lead to SPIRIT that he knew they would overlook preferring those words they could use. Those of the interpretation would reject SPIRIT and persecute anyone who follows the SPIRIT.
Since they will not listen. Since You will not reach them, Since they will not let You follow Your heart he made a way. They would condemn themselves, he spoke of another way out in that even through interpretation You could be saved if You believed and "TRULY SOUGHT THE SPIRIT" which those that follow the letter would reject. Therefore he gave his life because they rejected SPIRIT, they would not follow SPIRIT as the MAJORITY would demand "their interpretation" and cover up this fact. But to those with 'TRUE INTENTION OF HEART TO KNOW SPIRIT" he said that they would be changed. So the words are true in that it says "do not follow them" he said because the masses would be of interpretation and not of SPIRIT. The signs and wonders of the beast such as medicine and technology though amazing are not what to follow as the smallest of points even overlooked by science could lead to death and away from SPIRIT and destruction but to follow SPIRIT only. The way would be made for those following SPIRIT as YOU/SPIRIT would fulfill the intentions of the law through us. You must have true intention toward each other and the true intentions of the law are good but do not pay attention to what not to do (the Law), but rather to let the SPIRIT fulfill the law through attention to what is pure.
I say all this because the presumptuous could not be reached and the majority reject the SPIRIT and will use this opportunity without true intention of heart like those that hate me do. My experience is never to be taught but only a testimony against those hiding behind a veil of interpretation.Once the SPIRIT is revealed in Your lives You will see it in all stories and scripture (scribbling of scribes) as well as each rock that is turned over YOU/SPIRIT are there.
For those the SPIRIT draws sake let this world continue.
So it is that all are joined together through the SPIRIT even to the least of them
Some of You were here to know ME
Some of You were here to Love ME
Some of You were here to learn to Love
Some of You were here to break MY heart
Some of You were here to hold ME
Some of You were here that I might share this story
And in this way even those that have hurt ME are accepted in the SPIRIT
And it is fulfilled that the least of them had the greatest job to do
There is no greater experience than to know SPIRIT for it was the SPIRIT that spoke through Jesus saying
I (the SPIRIT) am the resurrection and the life, he that comes to me yet though he were dead yet shall he live.
Here is the evidence of those HIDING, that they worship the beast/creature/person Jesus but deny the SPIRIT that spoke through him, only wanting the words to "interpret" in a way to manipulate and hate those of the SPIRIT. They will use the freedom of SPIRIT to do evil and blame it on their interpretation of You but they did not grow and love the SPIRIT with all their heart.
They will overlook Your intent to point to SPIRIT and lead You down the garden path to humiliate and change the subject to judge because of their own shame and what they are hiding.
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