Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Pres, Mistakes, Division, whores

Last night after writing "Making Stupid Mistakes" one of my own who had no idea of the post said to me "I made a stupid mistake and can't get rid of it. So I went to the thing they made by answering a question on facebook and found a way to get rid of it. I also explained that without the SPIRIT who watches your back the mind will overlook many things and cause you to make stupid mistakes. But when you believe the SPIRIT and nurture and grow that relationship ABOVE all things then SPIRIT will MAKE YOU RIGHT. And the leader or person that lifts up their own self saying they are wise such as a president that does not know that the SPIRIT is using his intent and giving him the power to reach those such as the fire that caused such division in the time of Jesus. His true intentions will fail horribly as the synchs since 2001 have SPELLED OUT. And the intention was that all those following their interpretations they did not get from SPIRIT would get what they believed they wanted only to have their hearts reached deeply.

Those that believe in shame and blame and use it especially for profit will find they cannot reach the SPIRIT as with the dream of passion  you must learn to be unveiled without Shame and though many of those using shame seem to be blameless they are hiding the greatest shame as to why they cannot reach SPIRIT. That was the true story of Jesus. So in this way they will be overcome, all those who fain love for God yet believe in shame and unforgiveness. For the least among men are greater than these who use shame and blame because with true intention of heart they are not SEPARATED from SPIRIT and they are much closer to know the secret though those who INTENTIONALLY MISUNDERSTAND would as in the times of Jesus vote to feed these to the lions because they do not worship the snake and the woman who use shame and blame to control others yet their own hearts are as whores who have done without true intention of heart far worse than those they shame.

DNATREE: Prediction for the 14th exact related to ..........


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