I have lived this having much then losing all, growing in synchronicity on the ladder/tree illustraiting both the rich man and Lazarus poor man in one life tie. I suppose Budda also had that experience. The basis of my life is YOU and I, my life and attraction of experience with YOU through the fragrance of the heart resulting in a layered jewel like a cameo or pearl and your experience is like that the earth treasured. Now as to the snake in the garden and the example of the ladder of dna and the snake having lied and manipulated then the poetry of dna in losing your legs/ wealth/ brain downgrade as how the rich man is in hell while the poor man with attention to the SPIRIT having valued that retains that wealth in his new reality.
What is the lesson of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?
Simply put, these people pretended to be righteous, but in reality were full of greed and lack of concern for others. Their “righteousness” was just a show. Jesus used the parable of Lazarus and the rich man to warn of the pitfalls and dangers of living a life driven by greed and a lack of love for others.
And how you will be hated ABOVE all men "for my name sake" if you have this trait which all men secretly do. Take for instance Jacobs ladder where he was laying dreaming of angels going up and down the ladder and one of the angels bruised his heel which led him through synchronicity to understand the true intentions of the heart and work with the SPIRIT to crush the head of the snake.
The examples are endlessly woven throughout the Old and New Testament. The Lord called Samuel's name four times in the middle of the night. Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord until the break of day. God spoke to Joseph several times through his dreams, and Peter walked with Jesus on the water before dawn. Now when you begin to understand the way ALL MEN dream of her and of life in a very passionate way then you might understand the poetry of circumcision and what is really going on that would not be accepted by those that love a veil of interpretation over their eyes. In fact like it was illuded to in the book they would hate you and do all manner of hateful things to you if you subscribe to dreaming in this manner.
attention to money instead of the SPIRIT may be an easy life but through the SPIRIT you will have no need and also will gain dna/spiritual wealth and not lose your tools/brain/legs bypassing the SPIRIT and lying and manipulating being motivated by greed. This is what all this is about to draw all those like Trump into the
bubble net, and the
conspiracy against the tree where the birds that conspired begin to drop at an increasing rate. Right now it seems as though they are winning lwhile the SPIRIT is rejected for the interpretations of religion and science but everyone has
overlooked the smallest of points.
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