Monday, February 27, 2017

The new environment, Russia and Vote true Servents

Spiritual Philosophy / Re: Mountain's Stream
« Last post by Dove on a Branch on Today at 07:04:11 AM »
How the SPIRIT is preparing me to go with the new energy available.
No matter what environment, the SPIRIT knows how to prosper those who look to SPIRIT rather than a leader.
The following quote is something I feel I am to begin moving toward as the SPIRIT is saying we can take advantage of this new environment.
One thing that really stuck which is a way of looking at the leadership by disregarding them and trusting your life path was reflected in the lives of those by the Caspian Sea that said if Putin wants to rule us we don't care because nothing changes for them anyway. And the way I see it is if the SPIRIT is using Trump to reach humans then "If he wants to SERVE us then fine, I don't even need to give him a thought" but rather see the opportunities that the situation allows and let the SPIRIT handle him and his eventual humiliation". By the way the humiliation is also touched on in the Russia documentary.

Yes, the nukes need to go away, we agree on that
But with the mindset we have in leaders now is that going to happen?
No,,,, and why not?
Until humans are reached to the heart they will not want to rid themselves of nukes because they do not trust "them" in the equation of US and Them.
 If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.
But the one that has experienced death already while being guided by SPIRIT through that valley knows not to worry even should anything happen for their lives have grown in relationship with SPIRIT and YOU/SPIRIT have said to that one that nothing can be taken that will not be replaced greatly.
But to them that have waisted this existence.
For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.
The experience is unique and the words are different for each experience but the meaning is the same.
I watched a series on Russia that was fantastic and showed the real people in each part of the country and their views and how Putin is scaring them about the West big time right now and it is a very tense situation. But that series also revealed something about the intention of Trump which in the end will perhaps be terrible but in the interim is a gold mine of opportunity. And the synch reminds me of  the 58 Billion figure that the SPIRIT spoke of as the only way to reach them and I know now that this is only the beginning of the story and that it is time as it was known that the attitude would be such now and not understand the gravity of what is coming so fine I go in another direction now as the synchs indicated in 1993. This story was necessary and will reveal itself at the appropriate time. Anyway here is the documentary that I recommend to everyone wanting to understand where we are at this moment. It is the intention of the heart for using what is available that will matter.
A Journey with Jonathan Dimbleby
One thing that really stuck which is a way of looking at the leadership by disregarding them and trusting your life path was reflected in the lives of those by the Caspian Sea that said if Putin wants to rule us we don't care because nothing changes for them anyway. And the way I see it is if the SPIRIT is using Trump to reach humans then "If he wants to SERVE us then fine, I don't even need to give him a thought" but rather see the opportunities that the situation allows and let the SPIRIT handle him and his eventual humiliation". By the way the humiliation is also touched on in the Russia documentary.
Another synch related to the wall was a program about how the wall never really helped China and their nationalism led to being taken over because they would not trade with the barbarians as they saw everyone else on the planet as being.


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