
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Instead of Punishing them, we want all to be fulfilled

My brother and I are fighting right now. I allowed this to happen to reach my own to the heart. I have been reaching to the SPIRIT for an answer and this date back in 2014 seems to be related.

From the  POST on this date in 2014 entitled 

Friday, October 24, 2014

From our Post online about "Why we Fight"


"These Treasures" must become first before things or there is no lasting happiness.
And this Quote
But instead of punishing them we have to look at what we are really wanting. Like myself, I am very happy in my life and wish for my brother to be happy as he has not been so fortunate. Therefore, I need to look at the situation as though we are creating a way for "All of us" to be fulfilled. For those that believe in punishment, this is a time to learn also about humility and compassion and how to let the SPIRIT do the judging. To use a bullet is to judge, therefore "perfect love" is better than a bullet and Kim Jong Un may have been given a reprieve, but that is according to the SPIRIT. (Do you understand?)
Read the whole post from October 24th 2014

Better than a bullet, perfect love 
Oh, yea they love bullets they will get a bullet if they don't first get reached to the heart by SPIRIT. That is the bullet I want to use as it not only tears flesh, it reaches PERFECTLY TO THE HEART.

Also from this date

Perfect love is better than a bullet, because it reaches "perfectly" to the heart. Therefore, I must break your hearts. Time is Short!

We cannot "DO" what needs to be done, but we can allow it to happen!

If they draw their own punishment because of their desire to punish those they hate then let them do that but do not punish them.

Once Again all who believe in Punishment Scheduled to be Punished (Yes, You too public Servant!)

We don't want to punish but find a mutual intent or allow all to be fulfilled. But you want to punish others while not being forgiven of what you are hiding then you will draw your own punishment.

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