
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Earthquake, the great humiliation, Nature Rebels, Epic, Let Weinstein GO!!

Notice the sign says "Be HERE when it happens" and guess my meaning relative to SPIRIT.
Be HERE when it happens!!!!!!!!!! This means being in the moment with SPIRIT during a crisis.

I have been trying to reach you, but you rejected me

No one will escape the humiliation

What if since what is overlooked in the heart related to the synch with liars and manipulators that you ask those women that accused Weinstein if they want to let their scapegoat go in six months or those that remain alive anyway. I could not reach you past the veil of interpretation given you by those that never knew me.  Fragrance of the heart reveals what is hidden.

Honey Synch just now

Monday, February 24, 2020

Fragrance, The Tree, Nature Rebels, Epic

Those that manipulate and lie for money are already dead
and cannot Escape the Bubblenet
They Followed a lie
So Be It!

It is an inside job, the fragrance of the heart gives away all liars and manipulators within them as all are connected to the dna "TREE" "dnatree" yet most are veiled. Last night I was taken in the SPIRIT and saw how everything is connected to this "TREE" and nothing is hidden that cannot be uncovered. You have heard of SWARM THEORY and know the SPIRIT is fully capable to get FROM WITHIN those without TRUE INTENTION OF HEART. For I see men walking around as trees and they do not know their roots are connected to everything. You are seen by a hundred eyes and how even when you are in your closet you are seen. This is the light of the world that is actually within.

So Let it Be my life!
Let Weinstein go (yes he misused his office, Time is short!) as the fragrance of the heart says that those that had the intention before they ever met with Weinstein are liars and manipulators and this virus picks up on that specific "fragrance of the heart" signpost like not having blood on the door then the firstborn dies. Forgive one another as all who ride this train are guilty

I will not lift this stone out of the path of humans until all are reached to the heart
Some place where it is just YOU and I, MY LIFE
Ocean Edge Death Life

Blocking SPIRIT, You might as well do yourself in
Media, Leaders

June 16 is a date that I got but I cannot tell you what it means yet cause that would spoil it
July 19th is another date but "    "
August 26th is yet another... OH boy, Everyday is a date with destiny...

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