
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Waves of Desolation and Redemption, The Pickle

In Progress Passionate JOY and following the SPIRIT and knowing you are safe or that you are a tree which sprouts again anyway. Do not try to save yourself but rather look only to the SPIRIT. Many in Christianity are on the right path as the synchs will reveal while others following the letter without the SPIRIT will reach those that remain.

Redemption Coming in Waves
   JOY up where YOU are at MY LIFE is where the synchs that answer your heart's emptiness lay

The Wave and the Worry, Catch the Wave

Desolation Coming in Waves
    The letter of interpretations and ideologies and even science without being guided by SPIRIT is designed to lead now to desolation see the synchs
    Fear will keep your attention on the problem and not on the SPIRIT

Once again, why desolation is coming in waves and redemption also in waves

As the synchs reveal the Coronavirus came exactly on time for those that were being manipulated by  a Lying Manipulator tyrant.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

So be it


something seemingly rash

They expect something,,, give them something else

            This is my prayer,,, My Life!

Attention to the SPIRIT and redemption in waves

The Wave and the Worry
Wave and the Worry dnatree

Another dead Cardinal so I  feel like Trump and the Orange Event is related to Coronavirus and how he manipulates things.

The shop catching fire stopped me and I knew it was time....time to pay attention to SPIRIT and Get ready for the Wild Ride!

So be it

So Cookeville the SPIRIT will let up when you are reached to the heart about the SPIRIT that spoke through Jesus vs the Interpretation. I don't speak on my own behalf but tell you what the SPIRIT that is MY LIFE says. This is the same SPIRIT that spoke through Jesus as I do not see him according tot he flesh but according to the SPIRIT that you gave me an ear to hear.

Catch the Wave! Lift up the SPIRIT that spoke through Jesus above the interpretation unless you are ashamed to stand with the SPIRIT.

Trump and Base in Denial
Get Ready for the Wild Ride

The Pickle synchs Has the world and Trump been placed in a pickle in order to reach them to the heart?

Other synchs today
Something about no love there so glass and baby and your fault now

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