Sunday, April 05, 2020

Bounty Synch

This is only the second synch with bounty so I really don't know what it means but I am posting it now and hope more synchs will clarify in the next few days if need be. I can't trust Trump as I have issues with manipulating liars but I really want the SPIRIT to do something and not him manipulating or outside party as it would be perfect in expression if the SPIRIT was to reveal any underhanded dealings. The thing about this is the SPIRIT already knows what is going to happen even if someone changes their mind. So Get Ready for the Wild Ride!

Watch out for a manipulation by Orange or outside attempt Friday to create diversion or assassination

Also Bounty synch next synch with bounty on an innocent man Angel Has Fallen

From the Adam needs your attention post

Bounty pics up messes quicker, the quicker picker upper
Well I guess it would be presumption to interpret that without waiting on the SPIRIT!!

"Ok we need to speed things up" on the TV right now. So it will save more lives then to speed this up. Oh, you mean those blocking?

 I had said how terrible it would be if such an event happened and we could not Trust Trump which from all the synchs so far he would manipulate in the middle of such an event and if he is the liar Jesus was talking about then after that is revealed then the SPIRIT should be revealed. But the liar comes first.

 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Wind and make the SPIRIT great again and then America, Lift Up the Spirit!!!
But yes let's get rid of coronavirus as soon as we have reached the world to the heart Televangelist Kenneth Copeland. I know it is heartbreaking but the SPIRIT has to reach you. https://dnatree.blogspot.com/search?q=wind


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