Friday, May 27, 2011

Do not Interpret, Go to the Spirit (Start with Joy)

(The Spirit always starts from a point of JOY)
A word taken wrong, a misunderstanding, a misinterpretation and then an argument starts. Her emotions are revealed, he gets angry because of her misunderstanding, then she only sees his anger and now she sees only what is not good about him. So it is that no relationship ever lasts without first going to the Spirit. It is the same with religion. (Religion is really "what She wants to hear" with the truth written in poetry) No interpretation ever remains the original intention of the heart when You begin with interpretation and not the heart. When we look across the world and see all the traditions and beliefs that were handed down through oral or written methods they do not seem to be saying the same thing until we go to the intercessor between heart and man, God and man, ancestor and man, woman and man, YOU and I.
Lets look at the most misinterpreted post of all time for me, The Presumptuous Woman. I mean I stated already that I was leaving because there was so little fruit on the tree and because the Spirit said words do not work and now the Spirit would speak without words. But if those that wanted to know the truth had gone to the Spirit (Always in a place of JOY) and said, "MY LIFE, I do not understand these words can YOU reveal them to me?" Rather than go with the misinterpretation that formed in their conception then much a do about nothing would not have occurred. But seeing they misunderstand the one that IS A DEVIL (Meaning, they use misunderstanding on purpose to grow their agenda. For a DeViL is that which was a liar from the beginning and there is no truth in her, or him. But if they had gone to the Spirit the smallest of point which changes the whole equation and renders all the interpretations which separate You/YOU and I on this planet would become nothing/meaningless. Because, EVERYBODY knows that in Scripture, because of where we come from in past generations the WoMaN was a symbol of human including man and his relationship to GOD. Because SciPtuRe was given to man and woman through love always enters through the door given by the priest in her reality which because of marriage was husband and he was to only get his interpretation from SPIRIT. Now trying to reach her with the truth that he had been given by SPIRIT is like lifting the veil over her eyes and is IMPOSSIBLE without SPIRIT doing it through him and it is further impossible without there being LOVE for him and the SPIRIT through him. So through man it is impossible except the Spirit does it. These things too are written in Scripture and misinterpreted because no one ever went to the Spirit but rather a whole BaBylon of Misconception has arisen because of interpretation by theologians that believe that they can interpret and are meant to interpret. And She, because the only thing she remembers is the feelings at the time of the anger over misunderstanding has her heart broken and cannot be mended except she go TO THE SPIRIT. The end of relationship IS the end of the world. Harold Camping was made right by the Spirit he too will never know until he goes to the Spirit to be led to the Smallest of Points overlooked.


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