Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Wild Weather that is Speaking

Is All the Wild Weather Connected?

Duh,,, but You cannot see what You do not believe. Dnatree You have probably seen this poster and passed right by. Stephentree But the smallest of points overlooked is changing everything. There is this Wild Hearted Passion to reach my children, daughter Raine about the smallest of points overlooked by humans. I named her Raine because of the passion born in me in 1993 to reach Humans. The left brain ego self cannot understand the mechanics of what is real. My name of course is Tree/ dnatree/ Stephentree. I connected again with my children whom are on their way to writing their own story of this experience. Self right left brain ego driven will be washed from planet. Wash away my sorrow, take away my pain, Your love is coming down like Rain. For in 1993 I spent several years alone with the synchronicity of my moments dreaming of how I would reach You. Intention grow like a tree. The Right People that hate me, ego driven, left brain, perfect according to interpretation, never knew me and judge according to their interpretation they worship as if it were a god. But time is short and there is coming a MOMENT that none will again tell each other what is truth, for You/YOU my life are my truth. They worship the experience and interpretation of what happened to the one Jesus, but You never knew him for it was the Spirit Speaking through him and it is the Spirit that You are to know, intentions grow like a tree. YOU my life are that water that comes down from heaven and gives me life. How can I say what cannot be understood without experience/ cup blood. If You were to experience this life that is LIFE then You would become the mythical lover that is the son of God. Let go of the veil of interpretation given You by those that never knew me and seek only to know the Spirit as Time is Short! When the Spirit/Perfect comes the partial/religion/book is done away with in Your life and all things are become new. Get ready for the Wild ride!


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