Wow, No wonder Jesus said go to the SPIRIT for truth, those hiding behind appearance will KILL YOU as they did him
The headline on Yahoo says this morning.
'What's going on?": America hit by wave of tragedies
Strange week precisely after posting why,,, but Americans will never hear what is going on here because most on the forum are here to keep them from hearing this. That is why shut down, to hide this. That is why it will escalate so much further. I am not doing this, but You are by hiding. Hiding behind the official explanation.
I said the other day exactly why this is and will happen because words cannot reach You America.
But America will rise again!!
If the FATHER must, he will reach her by her enemies
If the FATHER must, he will reach her by her enemies
Was laughing at the whole experience with my Mom about how originally I thought everyone would love to know the truth about how we draw to ourselves exactly what we get but then I found that there are those hiding a great pain that REQUIRES them to blame someone even though on the way to creating the problem they danced with that person or folks like that person and the energy rose in concert until "POW" they got hurt and now they WILL NOT SEE that they had any part in the creation and VEHEMENTLY have to blame that person back there in their lives and feel none of the responsibility even if denial means they are powerless and "this could happen to me". And then mother and I were able to put into words why Jesus said it was that humiliation of trying to reach them as to why he said "love thy neighbor" and that they could not fulfill the law "those that blame and do not take responsibility for what happens to them" and even go so far as to set people up to try to prove they are more evil as their ego MUST do this. So that is why Jesus said "For now we see partial but when the SPIRIT leads you to the truth through experience such as Jesus had what with the shame and blame when all you were trying to do was reach them. LOL Yes, You can continue in this belief but it was said that for this reason it will end in desolation as that separation leads to death. Gotta love them, even if it means You stay over there and live your life and I will stay here in this sanctuary with SPIRIT and those that TRULY LOVE ME and there is room enough and we do not need to meet. So let those that need to blame depart and live and blame someone all their lives but we shall stay in the garden with the wonderful things of SPIRIT and those that have also drank that cup and wait for the coming promise that "those that remain will be reached to the heart and not blame even as SPIRIT does not blame for we all are responsible for everything that we create. " No wonder Jesus said to love them and all these things that that means and no one in their own power can do these things so those with "true intention of heart" seek the SPIRIT to live through me and fulfill the meaning of this and that is how we come to know the truth hidden to those that hide and blame. For they say "what I did was not as bad as what he did so I can blame him" but SPIRIT reveals that all are guilty because of this shame and blame that came about like between the first man and woman at the tree of the knowledge of what they demanded which was some are good (well better that that terrible person over there that I stepped on his toe but then he punched me so what I did was not as bad as what he did, therefore I can blame him for all my sins) LOL,,,, that is exactly what those that hate men and the SPIRIT are doing.
Yes, thanks be to Jesus for the truth, yes they can believe shame and blame for a time and then desolation comes as promised. That is what Christianity is really saying. The SPIRIT says, I will reach You,, but my job is done and it is such a relief!
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