Huge Storm and Forum ending
Last night I was posed with a question about what to do about a website containing previous predictions as they want to close it. I have lost many posts because of "prediction" sites closing after Katrina and Irene. I have copied most of my posts but still have a few to copy.
I (then) received this prediction that will be bigger than any before. At this point we cannot stop the huge $cost$ both of lives and money because we have not been able to reach them but the smallest of points will keep money and power from rewriting the outcome. This being Feb 19th then it feels like the Jan 19th prediction of A series of Unfortunate Events which then occurred exactly 6 months later which would make this one August 19th 2018. Will need more synchs to be sure on that.
The Answer is blowing in the wind
Warm (Energy)
(Spawn) Hurricane
Fury!!!! (indicates huge storm both nature and society) (Nature and circumstances will seem angry (Anger synchs and the Hulk) but they don't want them to know why and about the passion to reach them for years because they want to influence their beliefs to get rid of their obligation. But they cannot see the smallest of points and how their own actions will effect them. Authorities have this info but sat on it.
Storms Katrina Irene
The Survivors will land on firm ground (SPIRIT)
Moby Dick (Whale synchs) and trials that lay ahead
DNATREE: Ongoing whale synchs and the bubble net
Indication to let go of what does not feel right
Living life and navigational skills (Feeling my way via SPIRIT) (NETFLIX South Pacific) (South Pacific Kaboom synchs)
In order to not have competition (manipulators) you need to create your own path /lifestyle
Then the Whales navigational error came on tv (netflix South Pacific) showing how they got trapped where they got stuck in a harbor due to change in tides, many died.
Indicating possible trap by those intending something
Beach Cover-up synch
With all the predictions about Trump and how much Russia is reading my blog it is the responsibility of those who are tasked with protecting the American people to do more because Trump is now an obvious threat "using the Seat of our Father's in a manner it was not intended". The intent of money and power and disregard for the people other than those he is "using" is beyond obvious and then the synchs have revealed a true threat that is being sent to other countries too so that it cannot be erased.
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