Saturday, November 19, 2011

Videos of some synchs in the last few days

The synch with my moments and experiences with SPIRIT as being what life is made of.



Synch with contrast of police and the police in the bible

On the first channel they were talking about in 1991 how the folks were treated by POLICE in a particular country tied the thumbs together and then because Pam misunderstood because of her fear as I felt the Spirit was speaking to me through the pbs program. So we turned to another channel where they were reading in the BIBLE the same thing about

Paul and Cilus in prison naked hands tied behind their backs


The MIND without the Spirit leads to desolation, because of fear and interpretation



Teacher of subtle humility (the reason you don’t have synchs is humility and true intention of heart, plus putting Spirit FIRST


Startle the night


Do not believe them (bible)

Do not follow them

Media is a lie (john molkavich) on Charlie Rose Yesterday

They say the camera never lies.. Hell that is what it is for

Began to think about living on the land in Garberville and Pam and I having that intent

I walked into get coffee and overheard two landowners talking about access to land to be sold that was landlocked and all the realty laws about access and sale of said land

Then I walked to the other end of Garberville where the homeless folks gather and smoke pot and talk. I spoke to them about talking to the Sherrif about the Presumption of Authority by humans without the sanction of Spirit. Then the guy asked if I had access to the net and could I look up a question he had about access to property that he lived on. I told him and did a video while speaking to him about the synch I already had about the subject and the two landowners earlier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8Q_ope2BRI

Everyone, even men would DENY the truth about the true intentions of the heart of a man related to passion

Came out of woods one time and it was getting dark and we were not sure which way was the car,, had to go by feel and it got so dark that we had to feel the edge of the road with out feet.

Video getting dark and end of trail http://youtu.be/enh7-1QPntY


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