He builds the house from the ground up, she cleans it from the top down, when he and she meet they know it is right!
The Last Song May 21st
"Chopped Liver"
A rhetorical question used by a person who feels they are being given less attention or consideration than someone else.(That you might know the true intentions of MY heart)
Anyway, I woke up with the words of the dream from last night
He builds the house from the ground up
She cleans it from the top down
When he and she meet they know it is right
In reference to what love did in our lives leading up to
Go to Sleep MY Darling, I will catch you
I woke up and gave these words to Johnathan because he was dreaming of Kat and Pam and his life.
Good morning Paul and Pam
I feel I need to include Pam because she is your own and You are my own
Even though she is away at this moment she is still with you
As I drifted into the dream time I thought of Kat and Pam and felt love. It was love not for the persons but for YOU SPIRIT.
He builds the house from the groud up she cleans it from the top down
When he and she meet they know it is right
Dreaming is building
You are correct!
A dream is a self replicating brick which divides and grows
I like this metaphor
http://www.stephentree.com/romispirit.mp3 (Don't Get crushed by the huge rock that is in your path right now,,,, fall on it and let yourself be broken)
Rock dnatree
Beware of the false bride, harlot, imitator as she never gave herself to the SPIRIT but loved money and hates the bridegroom. She follows an interpretation but never knew me! This is Religion.
The rest of this morning took off to be romance in SPIRIT with synchs related to what Pam had spoken in her stupor (next story)
Be a part of the dream on this wild ride that you have been blessed to be on, do not control it or it will crush you.
Yesterday I woke up thinking "even in jail they get visiting hours" and began to speak to Celina on the phone. They of course thought they knew what was best but relented and told me it was ok to come see her at 4pm
I entered the room to a changed person like in a moment in a twinkling of an eye.
Her countenance was like Moses as he turned from seeing the LORD at the top of the mountain
Not a spek of fear remained in her being
There was no hesitation, she was in love with SPIRIT and with me and had been dreaming of all that we would share.
I sat by the bed and fed her dinner as I had fed her breakfast, she had thrown off the veils
The Lovers
will drink wine night and day.
They will drink until they can
tear away the veils of intellect and
melt away the layers of shame and modesty.
When in Love,
body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist.
Become this,
fall in Love,
and you will not be separated again. Rumi
I sang to her
Oh sweet bitterness
I will soothe you and heal you
I will bring you roses
I, too, have been covered with thorns
(Blessed is she who nailed me to this tree.........
Love your enemies)
She wanted me to bring the next Caroline Casey as she felt a love for that
I have just listened to the first part this morning and it was much of what she dreamed in her stupor
(Here I lift up the words of my love, as she spoke in her stupor)
A huge barge, in the desert, impossible, impossible
No my love it will be built for YOU
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