Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Manipulators Ruse

The Manipulators Ruse

This is something posted about how the manipulator works for as they know others will see what they are doing they say exactly that about the ones they are against. Take what Bannon and Trump just said about google how they are speaking of fair speech and USING THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT to make people WORSHIP (pay attention to) the BEAST that has already been shown to encircle himself with con artists and thieves and it is beyond obvious who he himself is. Now they use what they know they are calling google a narcissist when that is the pot calling the kettle black.  It is just as predicted that when the offender sees that others would say what is obvious about what they are doing illegally that they then speak loudly first saying the exact thing that is obvious they are doing so that they beat the ones they are offending to the punch and those that LOVE A LIE more than they love each other will express gratitude as they feel they are winning not knowing that the prediction also showed that the con man who married our sister to steal our family inheritance also divorced her a year later and no one in the town wants to know that  because they side with his beliefs. But what this is saying is that soon after using those on the right that hate those on the left so they allow anything,, but soon they will find they were used to gain power for the purposes of those criminals that he is truly representing. I warned everyone and all the predictions relative to this have come about but they hate and misconstrue the SPIRIT so that they would allow themselves to be deceived and even led to desolation. So it was that the woman that wanted to use the beliefs about men and violence against women in court to gain control of money though the person she was grifting would and had never hurt a man or a woman but she used that belief/bias of society in such a way that caused such grief except the SPIRIT had not been there in court she would have gotten away with it, but in the end she was humiliated as she meant for him to be using bare faced lies such as this administration was predicted to do. Americans had better get that person out of the office of our fathers before it is too late. You have been warned for 20yrs that this was coming.

I know from the collusion on the forums that there is collusion but even if there was not collusion the synchs with Russian Attacks and how Trump is riding that wave is obvious collusion and I don't think the American people know how far that has gone or seem to care.

Power has been given to the enemy for a season (they think they are smart) but once the message of the SPIRIT begins to go out then that obedience to the SPIRIT will begin to show fruit and the path will become clear to those recognizing what is being said. The only way to stem the tide of desolation is to allow this message of the SPIRIT in that all interpretations are the way of humans and not of SPIRIT. What is from SPIRIT in this moment is SPIRIT. The smallest of points overlooked by all who interpret scripture or even science because of the weakness of the mind has overlooked this one point. SPIRIT can make perfect all this that is occurring and turn the tables if you will but see that knowing interpretation is not the same thing as knowing SPIRIT and to seek the SPIRIT with all ones heart and life is what leads to truth. For what is even love without knowing SPIRIT.


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