Friday, September 28, 2018

Talking about the importance of Sanctuary in Relationship

Pam and I had built a fire and were out enjoying the cooler evening and talking about the importance of sanctuary and about talking about what we are mutualy creating like in what she needed and dreams of Avalon or in dreams of passion as when we were younger we learned from SPIRIT and shared it and we saw that we gave our dreams to SPIRIT and had to be comfortable and open enough for the SPIRIT to hand us something back like a synchronicity that we placed on the altar that revealed that YOU/SPIRIT loved me so much that you took what I gave you and made it perfect and without fear. We would get drunk on this passion and faith and spin up the excitement, yea an dance like the pigmes that worked out all their problems in dance, dreaming, remembering my moments with you and how you were toward me, We would become so unveiled and uninhibited as I found YOU/SPIRIT were closer to that than thinking and worrying and when we got it back from YOU it was perfect and we could believe that it would be exactly as YOU SAID.  ALL increasing as we came to KNOW YOU/SPIRIT (not learning an powerless interpretation or ideology). But not so with those that wanted to manipulate, they did not believe in that stuff, not after they got you in loving them. . But without the SPIRIT and sharing it, how can I believe it would be PERFECT. It would soon decay to the day that it is all flesh and then of course who would be blamed but you who stayed believing you loved me. So no, I don't care about their interpretation they demand we worship, I want their love of Justice:LOL and punishment which was from hell to return to them seven fold so that SPIRIT WILL REACH THEM rather than they perish. But if this is not possible let what they draw to themselves reach those with more true intention of heart and not just a facade of manipulation. LET IT BE SPIRIT! It is not what you believe will happen but what the SPIRIT says as the predictions have shown so as I have spoken from 1993 to the present, GET READY FOR THE WILD RIDE!

Look how they have misinterpretted without KNOWING SPIRIT for when the SPIRIT spoke through Jesus saying as you sow you shall also reap, that is saying dream it and give it to SPIRIT as in sowing and you will get exactly as you want if you let the SPIRIT in and dream it with SPIRIT like a lover dreams with his beloved and their dreams come true. They that worship an interpretation/dogma they did not get from SPIRIT will find that all they have done is cause themselves to stumble over every word so that they will be last since they fabricated God without actually seeking and reaching to the SPIRIT.


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