
Sunday, November 10, 2019

The SPIRIT is fulfilling the Swiss Army Knife synch
1st Fullfilment of the Nov 8th synch from 2016 on Nov 9th 2019  Fox Blocked this posts access to the story because it reveals they are leading the Fox's Sheep to slaughter!!!!
Fox blocked that one so here is the story again
Or Cnn's version

This is a sign that the power behind Trump will be taken by the SPIRIT and everyone that followed a lie will see it.

If the media bypasses this the SPIRIT will bypass the media
Foxnews blocked it let those manipulators be manipulated by the SPIRIT
Access DeniedYou don't have permission to access "" on this server.Reference #18.34ff4317.1573405115.e861100

More synchs with the Swiss Army Knife

The SPIRIT will bypass the media on both sides and reveal their shame if they do not catch on fast

Those who have chosen to be my enemies in Alabama by manipulation the SPIRIT will now Manipulate those Manipulators to reveal their own Shame and place a seal on them which is the Scarlet Letter Revealed

Other synchs related to this date

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Burning Down the House

Everything that is happening was dreamed in 1993 with SPIRIT. The power to reach "You" by using the intentions of another to break hearts, and even what is happening between "You and I" women and men, right and left, Islam and Christian, east and west,, there has always only been "You and I" and this Fire, burning so hot, will melt the veil separating "You and I" and everything will change. What is happening right now, will take a surprising turn. Both sides did not get it from SPIRIT and the SECRET intentions of the heart that must exist in order for their reality to get to this point will  be revealed. The Bitch is back! Burning Down the House, SPIRIT allows what is necessary to reach you to the heart! What seems obvious and what is used against a man is a lie,,, You never knew me. Get ready for the wild ride. January 2002 the beginning of my passion to reach you!

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