
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Play (masquerade) were everything goes wrong and the Coronavirus Response predicted March 17th 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

You cannot get good fruit from a thorn bush

You see it is all a masquerade. Trump is one big manipulation to trick the base. But it cannot handle something "Unexpected". Like this. 

I love that video the SPIRIT gave me about the way the coronavirus would effect this manipulator on this very date in 2017. Pam and I were laughing at how the SPIRIT was portraying what was coming on this very day. Now I know you think we should not laugh but it is not what you think that is making me laugh. as the SPIRIT says to those in power. 

kinda what I am expecting with this synch with everything else going wrong and of course he will blame the other guy.😉 But then as I am thinking about this on the roku news we were watching the late night videos and then the Fallon clip about the guys in the play where everything goes wrong and wow that is what the synch is.

SPIRIT says:
I am the poison and I am the antidote and it is as easy for the SPIRIT to turn this off as it was for the moment to create it even if (someone sent a poison dish) it was the SPIRIT that knew before the thought, but this stone will not be removed until I reach You to the heart no matter what they do. And when they do try to control it I sense a problem with the fix that only makes it worse. 

I alone can wipe away your tears because I am your (broken) heart!

Do not try to fix the problem as those that try to save their lives will lose them, but those that lose their lives for the SPIRIT's sake will find their lives.

I need you to reach the world with my message as the old world is passing away and you are being born into the new. I said you could implement this yourself but time has passed and now you have no choice if you want to go on now you need the fruit of the tree and the leaves (Words) of the tree will be for the healing of the nations.

The Message is the Story and you don't do this yourself
The Humiliation will ever more increase until you lift up the SPIRIT (Start with the Story)
Right now you are moving so slow on this that some things cannot be averted yet.

So the Sowing Division Synch seems to fit here well from March 20th

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sowing Division

Those on the right that have been sowing division will reap the whirlwind of division among themselves while those that they hate will see it and laugh. Let all those that sow division against fathers and their children likewise reap such as they sow ever increasingly. Republicans believe in dividing Americans but this will lead to their own infighting while democrats stand and laugh.

Synchronicity with others in love leads to only experiences that build up both parties, you can tell that someone is following an interpretation as that interpretation will ever become more their stumbling block.

Trump's Mental State where he begins to fight even with himself.

China/Iran/North Korea

You misunderstand
Time is short. We don't have to change anything except the SPIRIT change it through us. We can still do anything as long as the SPIRIT guides. We are at a point we will destroy ourselves if we reject SPIRIT now.

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