
Monday, March 23, 2020


To not be able to trust leaders and especially narcissistic leaders and manipulators. How do you not know that they manipulated or caused it and then overlooked the smallest of points. Or that the bear attack synchs are not Putin all along manipulating for world dominance with or through Trump? We just don't know with these manipulators. But the SPIRIT knows. The SPIRIT says it is very complicated scenario but STAND BACK AND WATCH.

But the worst case scenario is to have a lying manipulator spin this and lead how many millions to their death?

The virus is the medicine that like Perfect Love, reaches perfectly to the heart. It is the fire, so hot, it will melt the veil separating YOU and I on this planet and leave those hiding their true intent with nowhere left to hide.

Somebody better have some true intent toward the SPIRIT for up through the dna tree comes the smallest of points overlooked! And YOU don't need me to speak because

You may misunderstand me, (on purpose) but DO NOT misunderstand (none will escape, nor humiliate) the Spirit when it begins SPEAKING through the coming events.

They do not know what they are doing that cover up this.
 Those whose GOD and ROCK s the interpretation of a book will find it to be a STONE of STUMBLING.Those whose GOD and ROCK is the SPIRIT that IS LIFE will have something fresh to cling to each day!

Oh, the blood on their hands when the world finds out they kept this from them. A whole lot of people are gonna need SPIRIT to hold onto soon, but you knew better right? Me, I now leave the struggle as it is finished!  I did not look at the problem but walked everyday looking at the flowers on the side of the road dreaming of the fragrance of the heart that becomes the smallest of points they overlooked. 

The dream in 1993 was that humans get stuck and cannot get out of it but the SPIRIT was going to give me the answer once you are reached.
What the Trees are Swaying about all this

A Tree that gives it's fruit at the Right Moment/season.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Nobody wins

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The SPIRIT will lead and the synch with SHOUT!!!

26 years and have not reached one person, oh well I guess hearts will break!

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